Windrush is a stain on our nation’s history
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I sat next to a gentleman from the Caribbean at the train station. He said that no compensation could recompense for what had happened to the victims of Windrush, and that offering money does not compensate for lives destroyed, families split up and people killed. However, he said that the government have a list of who was affected and should do a simple donation of the largest money available to all. Elderly people should not have to apply and have more hassle.
A demeaning, racist part of our history which Suella is trying to hide whilst she attacks migrants and refugees. Will Starmer be any better?
Janet Salmon
Please, enough blustering about Boris!
Finally, we have laid the ghost of Boris Johnson the politician to rest; and yet, like Frankenstein’s monster, his presence seems to rise up in the pages of the press as though he’d never gone away.
Are we never to be rid of his terrible corrupting presence? Could we not be treated to a BoJo moratorium and have at least one day a week when his tiresome buffoonery isn’t lampooned, castigated, sneered at, or his poisonous reign forensically dissected? Let him go, for all our sakes, please!
Steve Mackinder
Stop making everything an app – older people don’t have smart phones!
Those councils which are switching to car parking machines which require those parking to have a mobile phone with an app to make payment are discriminating against older people. Older people often have basic mobile phones which do not have apps. Even if they have modern phones, they struggle because the procedures one has to follow are often confusing even to younger people.
J Longstaff
Free speech is important – especially in our classrooms
I want to commend you for publishing an article about the recent incident involving a teacher who was accused of harassing a student and curtailing her freedom of speech. I was particularly impressed with the bravery and common sense displayed by the student who spoke out against this injustice.
It’s important to encourage people to speak up when they see something wrong happening. I believe that the girl’s actions were commendable and should be celebrated. Furthermore, I believe that the teacher was in the wrong and should be held accountable for their actions.
Once again, thank you for bringing attention to this issue. I hope that this article will inspire others to speak out against injustices they see in their own lives.
Sarmad Anwar
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