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Don’t blame the outdoor smoking ban on the ‘nanny state’

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Saturday 31 August 2024 17:44 BST
Keir Starmer is considering a smoking ban in pub gardens
Keir Starmer is considering a smoking ban in pub gardens (PA)

I’m totally against the so-called “nanny state”, but the reality of smoking is that it is a vile, pervasive, unhealthy, unsociable, smelly habit, which no one should be subjected to in buildings, on the street, or anywhere else.

Not only that, but it is a waste of money and causes an unnecessary burden on our NHS. It wouldn’t be so bad if the negative effects of smoking were restricted to smokers, but unfortunately second-hand smoke is also injurious to public health.

Lots of things are banned for health and safety reasons – there is no good reason that smoking should not be added to the list.

Graham Cooper

Address supplied

Environmental policy affects everything – if you don’t care about climate change, you should start

As parliamentary recess ends this week, we urge Keir Starmer’s cabinet to consider the impacts of the current environmental crisis on other high-profile issues such as the cost of living, food price volatility and food security.

We have all seen food prices increase in recent years following geopolitical and post-pandemic challenges, but we believe that those price increases could pale in comparison to future indices. If recent extreme weather conditions continue, as experts predict, crop failures will become increasingly frequent, directly impacting food availability and costs.

This year’s weather, combined with continued use of chemical pesticides (many of which could be supplemented – or replaced completely – by natural alternatives to reduce the chemical load on our soils and environment) also took its toll on wasp populations of Great Britain – a potentially catastrophic situation for our environment.

To put it simply, if you think 50p for a supermarket apple is expensive now, how much do you think an apple will cost when the trees need to be pollinated by human hands, or by drones? How much will you be prepared to pay for a loaf of bread if wheat harvests fail? And God forbid our hops might be harmed – how much are you willing to pay for your pint of beer?

As the government takes its place in Westminster, we simply suggest that while our economic woes may be dire and in need of reform, so too are our environmental policies – in fact, the two go hand in hand, and should be of equal consideration.

Moreover, money lost can be re-earned in time – but soils, biodiversity and natural resources, once lost, may be gone forever. Let us protect them, lest we all pay a greater price.

Dr Sarah J Harding and Dr Alan Bullion

Advisors to the World BioProtection Forum

Donald Trump’s Arlington stunt was a disgrace to America

Many of us were offended by the recent incident at Arlington National Cemetery, when former Donald Trump’s aides pushed aside cemetery workers so that the former president could film a campaign ad before the graves, even though such filming is prohibited.

In the end, Trump was filmed for the campaign ad, standing with a bowed head before the graves of fallen soldiers.

But standing with a bowed head in front of a grave does not mean Trump is sincerely grieving, any more than Trump standing in a garage means he’s a car.

Mike Barrett

Address supplied

The Oasis furore proves there’s one born every minute

The old saying “there’s a sucker born every minute”, attributed to PT Barnum, is never more apt than with the upcoming Oasis concerts.

There will be thousands who want to revisit their youth by going to the concert, but it shouldn’t cost them thousands. There are so many con artists online selling fakes that if you can’t get tickets, it would be best to buy their back albums and invite a few friends around for a – much more affordable – listening party.

Dennis Fitzgerald

Address supplied

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