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<p>Don’t call it a comeback: Mel Gibson in ‘The Beaver’, Johnny Depp in ‘Jeanne du Barry’ and Lindsay Lohan in ‘The Canyons’ </p>

Johnny Depp and the rich history of the shambolic comeback film

Hollywood loves a redemption story – just look at Robert Downey Jr. But there’s something equally fascinating about the comebacks that sputter. Depp’s new film – opening quietly in cinemas this week – is part of a bizarre sub-genre of movies haunted and enhanced by the offscreen troubles of their stars, writes Xan Brooks

Inside Film

<p>No country for gold men: Margaret Nolan and Sean Connery in ‘Goldfinger’</p>

Sexism, xenophobia and a real-life Nazi: The tarnished legacy of Goldfinger at 60

The James Bond franchise has never been more purely pleasurable than the 1964 Sean Connery classic, writes Geoffrey Macnab. But the film’s myriad controversies have only worsened with age
<p>It has been a long time since fans and critics have had a major Angelina Jolie acting performance to watch</p>

Angelina Jolie is a huge star in the need of a great movie

Despite being one of the most famous women in Hollywood history, the actor is still more known for her complex love life than film roles of note. But could a biopic about Maria Callas turn her fortunes around, asks Geoffrey Macnab







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