NHS staff do not deserve the disgraceful scenes by anti-vaxxers in Milton Keynes

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Friday 31 December 2021 18:12 GMT
‘NHS staff, volunteers, and frontline workers have done a truly magnificent job’
‘NHS staff, volunteers, and frontline workers have done a truly magnificent job’ (AFP via Getty Images)

I have just read Katie Rogerson's article on the shameful behaviour of the anti-vaxxers in Milton Keynes, who stormed a test and trace centre there. I am not a medic but I have friends who work in hospitals and I know how hard they are working to keep us safe.

I can only hope that these ignorant, irresponsible people are a tiny minority.

E Newton

Address supplied

Surely it is time for Priti Patel, Boris Johnson and the police to get tough on anti-vax protesters.

NHS staff, volunteers, and frontline workers have done a truly magnificent job since the start of the pandemic. They do not deserve the disgraceful scenes we saw in Milton Keynes recently.

Geoffrey Brooking


Sunny outlook

Why do weather presenters continue to tell us of “exceptionally mild conditions” in a cheery manner? The high temperatures we are experiencing in the supposed depths of winter are more evidence that the planet is in the grip of potentially disastrous climate change.

When the newsreader announces a human tragedy they rightly do so in sombre tones. Is it too much to expect the weather person to do the same?

Richard Walker

West Malvern

Planning ahead

Yet again, the Celtic nations demonstrate how to plan ahead and leave self-opinionated England struggling (“Wales loans 4 million more Covid tests to English NHS”). How many times does the same lesson need learning by the bunch in Westminster?

Ian Reid


As yet I have not heard any expressions of gratitude from Boris Johnson or Sajid Javid to the Welsh government for the loan of Covid test kits. No surprise there because of course it is another embarrassment, putting once again into sharp focus the incompetence of the UK government. In a pandemic, mistakes were bound to be made. But the Welsh and Scottish governments have been consistently more sure-footed.

John E Harrison


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