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Trump brags about debate performance while New York Times calls for Biden to drop out: Live

Biden and Trump squared-off at a CNN-moderated debate this week

Biden addresses debate performance: ‘I don’t debate as well as I used to’

President Joe Biden is facing mounting criticisms and calls for him to step out of the 2024 presidential race after his poor performance in the debate against Donald Trump – this time with the New York Times editorial board calling for him to drop out

“The clearest path for Democrats to defeat a candidate defined by his lies is to deal truthfully with the American public: acknowledge that Mr. Biden can’t continue his race, and create a process to select someone more capable to stand in his place to defeat Mr. Trump in November,” the editorial board wrote on Friday.

It arrives after the president gave a fiery speech at a campaign rally in North Carolina where he acknowledged his age and limitations but said the stakes were too high and promised he could do the job

Meanwhile, Trump is capitalizing on the opportunity to flaunt his better-perceived performance during the debate by bragging on Truth Social. The former president claimed reporters praised him for having the “greatest debate performance”

Trump repeated lies and falsehoods throughout, often failing to answer questions. He declined to directly answer if he would accept November’s results.


Watch: Key moments from Biden and Trump’s first debate

Key moments from Biden and Trump's first debate
Ariana Baio29 June 2024 21:30

ICYMI: Trump tells Biden to ‘get the hell out of here’ at lie-filled rally

Yesterday, Donald Trump spent his remarks at a campaign rally in Virginia repeating his nonsensical and false statements about abortion, immigration, the climate crisis and the 2020 election – told Biden that the country “doesn’t want” him and to “get the hell out of here.”

Alex Woodward reports:

Trump tells Biden to ‘get the hell out of here’ at lie-filled rally

Trump says he doesn’t believe Biden can be replaced because he ‘polls better than those people’

Ariana Baio29 June 2024 21:00

Trump’s New Jersey properties are at risk of losing liquor license

Alcohol regulators in New Jersey are asking Donald Trump’s golf club properties in the state to prove they deserve a renewed liquor license after the former president was found guilty on felony charges of falsifying business records.

The hearing, which is set for July 19 approximately a week after his sentencing, is being requested by the New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control after they found that Trump has a “direct beneficial interest” in at least two liquor licenses, the New Jersey Attorney General’s office said.

New Jersey law prohibits a person convicted of a crime “involving moral turpitude” from having a liquor license. Liquor licenses are required to be renewed every year by July.

Trump National Golf Club Bedminster as well as Trump National Golf Club Colts Neck are owned and operated by the Trump Organization which is currently run by Trump’s adult sons Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump.

But the alcohol regulators say their review found that the former president is “the sole beneficiary of the Donald J Trump Revocable Trust” - the financial entity that allows him to retain assets and own his businesses.

Now the golf clubs must prove to the state, by a preponderance of evidence, that they’re qualified to maintain the licensures.

Ariana Baio29 June 2024 20:05

Black Democrats share workplace photos after Trump’s bizarre debate line

Donald Trump’s unsubstantiated claim that migrants threaten the availability of “Black jobs” during the first presidential debate has Black people, including members of Congress, asking: what is a Black job?

“They’re taking Black jobs and they’re taking Hispanic jobs. And you haven’t seen it yet, but you’re going to see something that’s going to be the worst in our history,” Trump said on Thursday night.

The former president’s comment was seemingly an attempt to expand his political reach to more communities of color through his commonly used anti-immigration rhetoric. Enacting strict immigration policies is one of the cornerstones of the former president’s campaign.

But his vague classification of jobs as exclusive to Black or Hispanic people did not land well.

“I’m still trying to figure out what a Black job is,” MSNBC host Symone Sanders-Townsend said on All In With Chris Hayes on Friday.

“Am I at my Black job right now? I don’t know.”

Ariana Baio29 June 2024 19:30

Do presidential debates really matter?

Nearly everyone agrees — including President Joe Biden — that he botched the first presidential debate of the 2024 general election, but the question remains as to how much a debate performance matters when it comes to reclaiming the White House.

Kelly Rissman reports:

Do debates matter? History hints at whether voters will forgive Biden’s rough night

‘Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know,’ Obama said after Biden’s debate night blunder, showing there is time for the incumbent to bounce back

Ariana Baio29 June 2024 19:00

First presidential debate reins in 51m viewers

The first presidential debate, in which Joe Biden stumbled and Donald Trump repeated a barrage of lies and misinformation, was watched by 51.27 million viewers, according to CNN.

The Thursday night debate saw Biden’s befuddled performance spark “deep panic” among Democrats and glee among Trump supporters. The 90-minute event, which took place in Atlanta, was hosted by CNN but carried live by 22 networks.

CNN said on Friday that the debate drew the highest audience on its network with 9.53 million viewers, followed by 9.276 million on right-wing Fox News. Meanwhile, ABC News drew 9.21 million viewers and MSNBC got 4.122 million.

However, the number of people watching dropped more than 30 percent from 2020 when 73 million tuned in to the first presidential debate between Biden and Trump.

Gustaf Kilander 29 June 2024 18:30

Memo reveals Trump’s plans to cut Republican platform: report

Donald Trump’s advisers are reportedly planning to significantly cut the Republican National Party’s platform to make it entirely consistent and focused on the former president’s 2024 campaign and agenda, according to a memo seen by The New York Times.

The memo allegedly describes an effort to reduce the GOP’s platform to “ensure our policy commitments to the American people are clear, concise and easily digestible.”

It said that publishing unnecessary “verbose treatise” gives Democrats leverage to use in launching attacks against the party.

“It is with that recognition that we will present a streamlined platform in line with President Trump’s principled and popular vision for America’s future,” The Times reported on Saturday.

The memo was sent on Thursday – nearly a month before the Republican Party plans to host its annual convention.

Ariana Baio29 June 2024 18:00

Supreme Court will decide Trump immunity case on Monday

Chief Justice John Roberts of the Supreme Court said that Monday will be the final day of the court’s term meaning the remaining decisions, including Donald Trump’s immunity appeal, will be released.

The court has been sitting on the decision in the consequential case for months. It was initially argued in April.

Ariana Baio29 June 2024 17:30

Why the Supreme Court’s Jan. 6 ruling will only impact a handful of rioters

The Supreme Court’s decision to narrow how Jan. 6 defendants may be charged with “obstruction of an official proceeding” will likely only impact a small number of convicted rioters.

“The decision will not have tremendous significance in the January 6 cases, including that of former president Trump, because in almost all cases there are other charges that have a felony status alongside the obstruction charge,” said William Banks, a professor at Syracuse University College of Law.

Though no defendant was solely charged with obstruction of an official proceeding, there are 27 people who pleaded guilty only to the obstruction charge.

Read more here:

What does the Supreme Court decision mean for Jan. 6 defendants?

The Supreme Court’s ruling will likely not affect most Trump and January 6 defendant’s cases — but some will still have grounds for appeals

Ariana Baio29 June 2024 17:00

Trump brags about debate performance on Truth Social

Donald Trump is taking advantage of the fallout from the first presidential debate and bragging about how well he performed in it.

On Truth Social, the former president claimed that political reporters “screamed” that he had “the greatest debate performance.”

“They all said, effectively, “Trump was fantastic!” This theme was universal, even at CNN & MSDNC, but by Friday evening it was all about the poor performance of Crooked Joe, and not so much about how well I did. Oh well, that’s the way it is but, importantly, the result is the same!!!” Trump wrote on Saturday.

Ariana Baio29 June 2024 16:20

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