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Presidential debate highlights: ‘Deep panic’ among Democrats after Biden’s performance as Trump spouts lies

Joe Biden and Donald Trump appeared on stage at CNN debate moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash

Biden freezes mid-answer during presidential election debate

Democrats watched in dismay on Thursday night as Joe Biden struggled in the first television debate of the 2024 presidential election against Donald Trump.

The president, hoarse and raspy, appeared low in energy during the CNN debate in Atlanta, Georgia, with the White House later saying he had a cold.

Looking his age and generally out-of-sorts, Biden mispoke at one stage and declared “we finally beat Medicare”, to which his Republican opponent responded, “I really don’t know what he said”.

The president did later rally to rebuke Trump over his sordid personal history and alleged “suckers and losers” remark regarding the military.

The businessman, meanwhile repeated lies and falsehoods throughout, often failing to answer questions and having to be pressed three times on whether he would accept the election results.

Social media went into meltdown over the spectacle of the two elderly candidates battling it out while Democrats were left in a state of “deep panic” from early on.

In post-debate analysis, CNN pundits discussed the possibility of his stepping down as the party’s candidate.

The Trump campaign swiftly declared victory and a snap poll on CNN revealed that two-thirds of voters who watched agreed.


White House print pool reporter allowed into studio

The White House print pool reporter was allowed into the studio during the commercial break.

Here’s what White House Reporter for The Washington Post Tyler Pager observed:

Your pooler was brought into the studio at 9:53 during a commercial break.

POTUS and former President Donald Trump were both standing at their lecterns, staring straight ahead as photographers snapped photos.

Neither of them said anything or made eye contact with one another. POTUS cracked a smile at the photogs, and as the pool was being ushered out, Trump took a sip of water from a plastic bottle.

Your pooler was ushered out at 9:54 p.m. after about 45 seconds and is back in the hold room.

Oliver O'Connell28 June 2024 03:06

Update: Biden does not have Covid

Oliver O'Connell28 June 2024 03:00

Trump rambling too

Asked about his felony conviction, Trump brings up the Ukrainian prosecutor, a billion dollars, quid pro quo, "death at the border," calls Biden a criminal and finally yells: "I did nothing wrong!"

Oliver O'Connell28 June 2024 02:56

BIden has a cold, report says

Oliver O'Connell28 June 2024 02:53

‘You have the morals on alley cat’

Trump calls Biden “a criminal” and says he “could be a convicted felon as soon as he gets out of office.”

Almost halfway through the debate, President Biden refers to President Trump as a convicted felon.

Trump responds that his son is a convicted felon, too.

Biden then brings up the civil penalties Trump owes including against E Jean Carroll and the Stormy Daniels affair.

“You have the morals on Alleycat”

Trump responds, “I didn’t have sex with a porn star.”

Oliver O'Connell28 June 2024 02:52

Biden reminds viewers Trump is a felon and Jan 6 rioters deserve punishment

Oliver O'Connell28 June 2024 02:45

Trump dodges January 6 question

Trump pivots from a question on democracy and January 6, talking about the border, energy independence, low regulations, and respect in the world.

On January 6 rioters, Trump says: What they've done to some people that are so innocent, you ought to be ashamed of yourself, what you have done, how you've destroyed the lives of so many people.

Oliver O'Connell28 June 2024 02:44

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