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Jacob Blake news - live: Family calls for peaceful protest after no charges brought against Kenosha officer

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Oliver O'Connell,Justin Vallejo
Tuesday 05 January 2021 23:39 GMT
Jacob Blake speaks from hospital bed says it hurts to breathe

Officer Rusten Sheskey was will not be charged in the shooting of Jacob Blake over the summer, according to Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley.

Mr Blake was shot in the back seven times by Mr Sheskey after attempting to leave the scene of a domestic dispute on 23 August.

Officers claimed Mr Blake had a knife at the time, but Mr Blake's lawyers contend that the claim is untrue. Mr Graveley also said Mr Blake would not be charged with any crimes.

The city of Kenosha, Wisconsin has been preparing for protests when the decision comes in. The Wisconsin National Guard has deployed. Safety efforts announced by local officials also include designated demonstration spaces, road closures, a curfew, protective fencing, and limitations on city bus routes.

In a separate development, teenager Kyle Rittenhouse today pleaded not guilty to all charges relating to the fatal shooting of two men and wounding of another in the unrest that followed the shooting of Mr Blake.

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‘It’s pain, nothing but pain’

While Mr Blake survived the shooting, he was left paralysed from the waist down and in immense pain. Almost two weeks after the incident he appeared in a video speaking about his injuries. 

Jacob Blake speaks out for first time on pain from police shooting injuries

 'Every twenty-four hours it's pain, nothing but pain’

Oliver O'Connell5 January 2021 17:35

‘We are scared for our lives’

The shooting of Mr Blake was captured on video and quickly went viral, sparking outrage across the nation, compounding the anger felt during the protests and unrest following the  killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor by police earlier in the year.

Raysean White, who filmed the video, spoke to CNN at the time. Andrew Naughtie reported for The Independent.

Man who filmed Jacob Blake's shooting in Wisconsin says he is traumatised and can't sleep

The many police shootings of Black Americans have traumatised the people who documented them on video 

Oliver O'Connell5 January 2021 17:20

Shooting was quickly condemned by Biden

Just a day after the shooting, then candidate now President-elect Joe Biden condemned what he described as the “systemic racism” in police departments across the nation.

Danielle Zoellner reported on the initial reaction from the Biden campaign back in August.

Biden condemns 'systemic racism' in Wisconsin shooting of unarmed black man as Trump stays silent

'These shots pierce the soul of our nation. Jill and I pray for Jacob's recover and his children,' Mr Biden says

Oliver O'Connell5 January 2021 17:09

Decision could come this afternoon

There are unconfirmed reports that a decision on charging could come as early as 3pm Central Time.

Oliver O'Connell5 January 2021 17:05

Wisconsin National Guard mobilised

A statement from the governor’s office reads: 

At the request of local authorities, Gov. Tony Evers has authorized the Wisconsin National Guard to support local law enforcement authorities in Kenosha after officials there requested the Guard's assistance to help ensure public safety.

“We are continuing to work with our local partners in the Kenosha area to ensure they have the state support they need, just as we have in the past,” said Gov. Evers. “Our members of the National Guard will be on hand to support local first responders, ensure Kenoshans are able to assemble safely, and to protect critical infrastructure as necessary.”

Wisconsin statutes allow the national guard to support local law enforcement and first responders, and to protect critical infrastructure and cultural institutions. They may not be used to impede the ability of people to peacefully protest nor the ability of the media to report on events.

Approximately 500 troops have been mobilised ahead of the expected charging decision.

Oliver O'Connell5 January 2021 16:41

Ahead of a decision regarding charges against Mr Sheskey, city officials have rolled out plans in preparation for potential unrest as activists calling for justice for Mr Blake want the police officer to face charges.

On Monday, Mr Blake’s family urged police and prosecutors to fire and charge the officer who opened fire on Mr Blake paralysing him from the waist down.

Oliver O'Connell5 January 2021 16:36

Hello and welcome to The Independent’s rolling coverage of events in Kenosha, Wisconsin in advance of a possible ruling in the case of the shooting of Jacob Blake by police officer Rusten Sheskey in August 2020.

Oliver O'Connell5 January 2021 16:32

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