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Jacob Blake news - live: Family calls for peaceful protest after no charges brought against Kenosha officer

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Oliver O'Connell,Justin Vallejo
Tuesday 05 January 2021 23:39 GMT
Jacob Blake speaks from hospital bed says it hurts to breathe

Officer Rusten Sheskey was will not be charged in the shooting of Jacob Blake over the summer, according to Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley.

Mr Blake was shot in the back seven times by Mr Sheskey after attempting to leave the scene of a domestic dispute on 23 August.

Officers claimed Mr Blake had a knife at the time, but Mr Blake's lawyers contend that the claim is untrue. Mr Graveley also said Mr Blake would not be charged with any crimes.

The city of Kenosha, Wisconsin has been preparing for protests when the decision comes in. The Wisconsin National Guard has deployed. Safety efforts announced by local officials also include designated demonstration spaces, road closures, a curfew, protective fencing, and limitations on city bus routes.

In a separate development, teenager Kyle Rittenhouse today pleaded not guilty to all charges relating to the fatal shooting of two men and wounding of another in the unrest that followed the shooting of Mr Blake.

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Blake family reaction

Ben Crump, lawyer for the Blake family, tweets: "We are immensely disappointed and feel this decision failed not only Jacob and his family but the community that protested and demanded justice."

He adds: “Our work is not done and our hope is not lost.”

Mr Crump vows to continue to press forward and fight for systemic change in policing and transparency at all levels.

Oliver O'Connell5 January 2021 21:43

No charges brought against Kenosha officer Rusten Sheskey who shot Jacob Blake

Officer Rusten Sheskey will not be charged in the shooting of Jacob Blake over the summer, according to Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley.

Oliver O'Connell5 January 2021 21:23

Jacob Blake will also not have any charges brought against him.

Oliver O'Connell5 January 2021 21:19

No charges filed against police officer who shot Jacob Blake

Oliver O'Connell5 January 2021 21:18

The DA has to decide whether to charge based on whether there are significant enough facts for prosecutors to convince a jury to convict on the basis of the evidence.

Oliver O'Connell5 January 2021 21:14

In moments of tragedy like this Mr Gravely says it is an opportunity to build something rather than burn something down.

Oliver O'Connell5 January 2021 21:09

He thanks the Blake family for being such a positive force in the community.

Oliver O'Connell5 January 2021 21:08

Jacob Blake shooting press conference underway

Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley is now speaking and has said he has informed Jacob Blake of the decision that has been arrived at today.

Oliver O'Connell5 January 2021 21:07

National Action Network has a lot to cover today

Oliver O'Connell5 January 2021 20:50

Images from Monday’s rally for Jacob Blake

Justin Blake, uncle of Jacob Blake, leads a march Monday in Kenosha, Wisconsin demanding justice for the shooting of his nephew
Justin Blake, uncle of Jacob Blake, leads a march Monday in Kenosha, Wisconsin demanding justice for the shooting of his nephew (AP)
Supporters hold candles at a rally for Jacob Blake who has been paralysed since being shot by police office Rusten Sheskey in August
Supporters hold candles at a rally for Jacob Blake who has been paralysed since being shot by police office Rusten Sheskey in August (AP)
Jacob Blake Sr, father of Jacob Blake, speaking at the rally in Kenosha on Monday
Jacob Blake Sr, father of Jacob Blake, speaking at the rally in Kenosha on Monday (AP)
Oliver O'Connell5 January 2021 20:33

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