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Monkeypox news – live: Two more cases in Scotland as NI and Wales log first infections

The risk to the general population remains low, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) says

WHO doctor explains how monkeypox spread among humans

Two further cases of monkeypox have been recorded in Scotland, officials have said. It brings the total number of infections north of the border to three.

Earlier today Northern Ireland and Wales recorded their first cases. The UK Health Security Agency said the risk to the general population remains low despite the rising number of infections.

Officials at the health body also said that they have secured more than 20,000 vaccines to treat monkeypox.

Imavanex, a smallpox vaccine, can also be used to treat monkeypox . The vaccine will be offered to identified close contacts of people diagnosed with monkeypox, the body added.

There are now believed to be 81 cases of monkeypox in the UK.


Washington and California report suspected monkeypox cases as US outbreak widens

Health officials in California and Washington state say they have detected suspected Monkeypox cases in two patients who recently returned from travelling overseas.

An infection was reported in Sacramento County, California, on Tuesday, the sixth US state to report a case.

On Monday evening, officials in King County, Washington, said a man had registered a positive test to the family of viruses that monkeypox belongs to.

Bevan Hurley has more details:

Washington and California report suspected Monkeypox cases as US outbreak widens

Presumptive Monkeypox cases now detected in six US states, as health officials in each state say patients are isolating and not at risk of spreading the virus

Chris Baynes24 May 2022 19:22

Monkeypox: Virologist Dr Sarah Pitt to answer your questions

Got questions about monkeypox? The Independent will host an ‘Ask Me Anything’ with an expert this week to provide some answers.

Dr Sarah Pitt, a virologist at the University of Brighton, will be on hand to answer reader questions at on Thursday.

Follow the link below for more details and to register to submit your question.

Got questions about monkeypox? Submit your questions to an expert

Got questions about monkeypox? Take part in our ‘Ask Me Anything’ with an expert

Chris Baynes24 May 2022 18:25

We’ll be back

We’re pausing our coverage for a moment and will return with live updates shortly.

Thomas Kingsley24 May 2022 16:36

Bizarre theory accusing US of creating virus in lab goes viral on Chinese social media

A baseless conspiracy theory blaming the US for creating monkeypox in a lab is spreading on Chinese social media amid the global outbreak of the disease.

Conversations about monkeypox have trended on the Weibo social messaging platform for multiple days in a row, with more than 51m views on a hashtag about two suspect US cases.

Some of the discussion seen on Weibo has also reportedly pointed to conspiracy theories about the origins of monkeypox, which is usually found in central and west Africa.

Read the full story below:

Conspiracy about US monkeypox lab goes viral on Chinese social media

Pro-Chinese Communist Party influencers have spread conspiracies about outbreak

Thomas Kingsley24 May 2022 16:25

Watch: 21-day quarantine for Monkeypox, says German health expert

21-day quarantine for Monkeypox, says German health expert
Thomas Kingsley24 May 2022 16:15

NEW: Washington becomes fifth US state to report suspected Monkeypox case

Health officials in Washington state say they have detected a suspected Monkeypox case in a man who recently returned from travelling overseas.

Officials in King County, which covers Seattle, say the man did not require hospitalisation and is isolating at home.

Washington is the fifth US state to report a confirmed or suspected case of the Monkeypox virus.

Read the full report below:

Washington becomes fifth US state to report suspected Monkeypox case

Washington state public health officials said the patient was isolating and not at risk of spreading the virus

Thomas Kingsley24 May 2022 15:50

BREAKING: 14 new cases identified in England bringing total to 70

A 14 further monkeypox cases have been identified in England, bringing the nationwide total to 70, health officials say.

Despite further cases being detected, the risk to the UK population remains low, the UK Health Security Agency said.

As of 23 May, no cases have so far been identified in Wales or Northern Ireland. One infection has been detected in Scotland.

In total, 71 cases of the rare viral infection have been reported across the UK.

Read the full story below:

Thomas Kingsley24 May 2022 15:43

ICYMI: World ‘cannot take eye off the ball’ over infectious diseases, Oxford vaccine chief warns

The world cannot take its “eye off the ball” in preparing for the next pandemic, a leading scientist behind the Oxford jab has warned as the latest monkeypox outbreak continues to spread.

Professor Sir Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, insisted the rise in monkeypox infections “really isn't a Covid-like scenario,” but said it was yet another reminder of the need to invest in pandemic preparedness and vaccine development for infectious diseases.

The failure to do so “really puts the human population at risk,” he told The Independent, adding that future diseases which go on to spread throughout the world could be much more deadly than Covid-19 or monkeypox.

Read the full report from our science correspondent, Sam Lovett:

World ‘cannot take eye off the ball’ over infectious diseases as monkeypox spreads

Professor Sir Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, calls for immediate investment into pandemic preparedness

Thomas Kingsley24 May 2022 15:30

Watch: Does the UK have monkeypox vaccines?

Education secretary says Sajid Javid has bought Monkeypox vaccine
Thomas Kingsley24 May 2022 15:10

Germany orders 40,000 vaccine doses as precaution against monkeypox spread

Germany has ordered 40,000 doses of a Bavarian Nordic (BAVA.CO) vaccine to be ready to vaccinate contacts of those infected with monkeypox if an outbreak in Germany becomes more severe, but officials are banking on other precautionary measures for now.

Speaking at a press conference, German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said on Tuesday that measures such as an isolation period of at least 21 days recommended for infected people would suffice for now to contain the outbreak.

"If infections spread further we will want to be prepared for possible ring vaccinations that are not yet recommended at this point but might become necessary," said Mr Lauterbach, referring to the strategy of vaccinating contacts of an infected person.

Thomas Kingsley24 May 2022 14:50

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