THEATRE / The man who went where Joyce feared to tread00:02
HEALTH / Second Opinion00:02
Pettifer post00:02
Books: Best of both worlds00:02
Football: McManaman reaps reward00:02
ETCETERA / Chess00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Bulletins from an urban species: 'Landlocked: In Pursuit of the Wild' - Richard Mabey: Sinclair-Stevenson; 18.99 pounds00:02
Ministers forced to tighten up on quangos00:02
The word is 'waste not, want not': TV spotlights a green fashion00:02
FASHION / Stripped to the essentials00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Age of curiosity: 'An Intimate History of Humanity' - Theodore Zeldin: Sinclair-Stevenson 20 pounds00:02
BOOK REVIEW / New dimensions: 'The Illustrated Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy' Douglas Adams: Weidenfeld, 25 pounds00:02
Selling, sex and the single footballer00:02
Bank customers count cost of double dating00:02
House clean-up00:02
STAYING IN / York on Ads: The thinker-drinker with bottles of attitude: No 48: Holsten Pils00:02
Today's Papers: Mark Thatcher sued for pounds 4m00:02
Letter: Wild fantasies00:02
Killer gangs in Goma camps could halt food aid for 1m00:02
Rugby Union: Tainton torments Saints00:02
Rugby league: Small clubs act on restructuring00:02
Profile: The age of Hobsbawm: The people's historian is turning his long gaze to a short century, says Neal Ascherson00:02
Lawyers call for court time limits00:02
Union tipped for choice pits00:02
Kohl sees red as new troupe joins circus: Chancellor fears 'extremist' east German party00:02
Auto Biography: The Toyota Previa in 0-60 seconds00:02
EATING OUT / Cooking in the French Stile: Stile Restaurant, 97 High Street, Willington, Crook, County Durham00:02
Football: Whelan's turn00:02
Football: Rovers out of pocket00:02
What the new student won't be seen dead in: Isabel Wolff finds out what happened to the old stripey college scarf00:02
Football: Walker looks towards Rangers00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Those Balkan blues again: Hugh Barnes reports on the creative riches of a war zone00:02
Shelton's pounds 312,14000:02
SHOW PEOPLE / The queen of cultural chat: Sarah Dunant00:02
The best and worst: Pep-qualifying Unit Trusts00:02
Of quick smacks in anger, and anger over smack00:02
Milosevic's wife foretells the fate of a hardliner00:02
Profile: Learning to cut the mustard: Sir Michael Colman - Reckitt's courteous leader may need to be tough in the months ahead, says William Kay00:02
City brokers braced for savage job cuts00:02
Almanack: Postscript00:02
Cricket: Malik answers allegations00:02
How LWT's men funded Tony: They were wealthy media figures. They met in Mapledene Road, Hackney. Soon afterwards, the Blair campaign had pounds 88,00000:02
ETCETERA / Bridge00:02
Jews get in tune with the Arabs00:02
CINEMA / The unbearable lightness of being: Zhang Yimou is an undisputed giant of the cinema - unless you're a Chinese official. Quentin Curtis has a rare audience00:02
Letter: A prejudiced view of voodoo00:02
When to settle for nominees: Tight settlement periods make a case for others handling your share deals. But is it worth it?00:02
Profile: Posterity is the spur: Pat Eddery - Stan Hey traces the career of a jockey who is today looking to cement his place in racing history00:02
Rugby Union: Bath keep up the pace00:02
Football: On the move00:02
Flat Earth: Judge not . . .00:02
RADIO / One Steppe at a time00:02
Political Commentary: It may look good now for Labour, but wait till 199900:02
Letter: Home-grown thoughts00:02
Football / Round-Up: Thompson spurs Wolves00:02
Bunhill: Branson pickle00:02
Rugby Union: Morris takes win on chin00:02
And now for Robodoctor00:02
When Anna and Beth kissed Margaret: Anna Friel plays Brookside's lesbian pin-up. Monique Roffey met her00:02
Senior police accuse Howard00:02
Poll rejects mail sell-off00:02
Do I not like that . . . Wake up to a global game: Derek Wyatt, the former England international, explains why rugby union needs to come out into the open00:02
'Everyday' bugs claim 17m worldwide00:02
Economics: World Bank diet too harsh for Latin America00:02
Soport: Database00:02
The Broader Picture: Crazy about the hair00:02
Glasgow hopes shrivel after the hype00:02
Once more unto the breach: For some people, life-saving is much more than a useful skill in aquatic emergencies. It's an art, and a competitive sport00:02
Words: Gaffe00:02
Rear Window: Age of Achievement: When Britain was Great and France was jealous00:02
Bowls: Thomson through to final00:02
Groom held over murder00:02
BOOKS / Paperbacks00:02
Captain Moonlight: Of mace and men . . . bats in Baku . . . and instant whips00:02
Flat Earth: Saved by his pants00:02
Rugby Union / Round-Up: Trying time at the last00:02
Labour to compromise on Ireland00:02
Rugby Union: Wales suffer again as Evans breaks leg00:02
Zoe Heller in America: Two Cassandras can't be wrong: and they weren't00:02
The other side of Iggy00:02
Offshore gas leads the field in automation: Unmanned platform is the key to exploiting North Morecambe's reserves00:02
Pain of Sweden's 'peace wounded'00:02
Bunhill: Mutual irritation00:02
Sport on TV: Why Botham is king in the land of the bland00:02
BOOKS / In the lists00:02
ETCETERA / Home thoughts00:02
On excellence: Airlines' soul survivor00:02
Letters Briefly00:02
Where does he come from?: Is Tony Blair made of candy floss or conviction? John Rentoul digs into the archives to find out00:02
BOOKS / Events00:02
CINEMA / A premise that promises too much: In Keanu Reeves, the action genre may have found the hero it has been holding out for. He assumes so little, and beguiles so many00:02
Football: Celtic rue Galloway's slip00:02
Football: Lee's sucker punch00:02
ROCK / She belted me with her hits, and I loved it00:02
Ro-ro to capsize every five years00:02
Letter: Negative Asian images00:02
Racing: Theatre in the Arc light: Sue Montgomery assesses the field for this afternoon's big race at Longchamp00:02
Prince of Camelot's last stand: Ted Kennedy looks a wreck as he struggles to keep a fabled political dynasty alive, writes David Usborne00:02
Tennis: Hingis prepares to come of age: A prodigy is set to carry her dominance into senior tennis. Simon O'Hagan reports00:02
Quotes of the week00:02
Rugby Union: Circus can ring the changes: Chris Rea believes Jacques Fouroux's plans for professional rugby union will fail but could alter the game for ever00:02
ETCETERA / Competition: Details No 20500:02
Cox's Orange provide a windfall as English growers fight back00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Wit and style of Parkinson: 'Parkinson Photographs 1935-1990' -Martin Harrison: Conran Octopus, 40 pounds00:02
City & Business: Memo to Gestetner: I told you not to swap00:02
My Biggest Mistake00:02
How We Met: Lord and Lady Longford00:02
Leading Article: The sea must be governed00:02
Snooker: Griffiths considers retirement00:02
First-Hand: 'I happen to look exactly like Roy Orbison': 'Only the Lonely' has opened, but one big O double won't be in it. Gerry Grant is too busy00:02
City & Business: Germ of a good idea00:02
Dithering premier adds to plague panic: With 50 dead, 2,500 ill and the toll rising, Indians look to ancient remedies to counter disease00:02
New issues face investor boycott: Fund managers get cold feet after spate of flops00:02
Letter: Tax assets, not activity00:02
Marketing: You loved the burger - now see the movie: British companies are latching on to a growing range of merchandising opportunities that are linked to film releases00:02
BOOK REVIEW / As light as prawn's whiskers, n'est-ce pas?: 'A Period of Adjustment' - Dirk Bogarde: Viking, 15 pounds00:02
How much does he earn?: No 48: The Rt Rev Michael Turnbull, Bishop of Durham00:02
Shares: Parts suppliers motor ahead: Britain may not make its own cars but components companies offer attractive prospects00:02
TRAVEL / Le long weekend: Jill Crawshaw, in the first of two articles, says the season of the short break est arrive00:02
Bunhill: Unpopular bankrupt00:02
Football: Giggs seeks cutting edge: Foreign Fields: The European Cup sees United's clipped winger struggling under the weight of expectation - Ian Ridley feels that a free spirit can still flourish in the safe hands of Alex Ferguson00:02
Occupational pittance: Some company pension schemes leave older members with very little to live on00:02
Letter: Action needed now on climate00:02
ART EXHIBITIONS / Prepare for the German evasion: The Hayward's grand new show of Romantic art covers a lot of ground but leaves many questions unanswered00:02
Bookshops bemoan 'Mogadon' Booker00:02
Aids sufferers are helped by HIV blood: Breakthrough made in the treatment of patients00:02
City File: Tarmac on an uphill road00:02
ARTS / Cries & Whispers00:02
Chip chalks up new success00:02
Letter: The answer to Heathrow's terminal trouble lies in the east00:02
Football: What the papers said about . . . Aston Villa00:02
STAYING IN / Video00:02
Letter: Negative Asian images00:02
Blair to scrap blueprint for social justice00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Strawberries at bedtime: After 25 years, Professor Colin Matthew has finished editing Gladstone's diaries. He reflects on this very eminent Victorian00:02
The low road to pulped fiction: Chris Mullin explains why the rise of junk publishing left him flogging his own book00:02
Immigration row00:02
Spurned Wembley bidder will bypass board and woo banks00:02
Fishing Lines: Monster of the shallow lands00:02
Golf: Els forges ahead00:02
Business Information Service: The week ahead00:02
Dirty Dogs Campaign: Award for drive against fouling00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Accidents at the heart of life: 'Various Miracles' - Carol Shields: Fourth Estate, 9.99 pounds00:02
Management Game 1994: Shifting fortunes as field narrows00:02
Football: In search of the heart of Europe: Foreign Fields: From Bekescsaba to Bruges, Simon O'Hagan discovers a game rich in diversity00:02
Crash victim named00:02
Enterprise investments fail to tempt business angels00:02
TRIED & TESTED / Suck it and see: Can anything cope with a filthy car interior? Our panel tests five compact vacuum cleaners00:02
Looters gather at Port-au-Prince port00:02
Equestrianism: Whitaker thrills Wembley crowd00:02
Life in the lost lane: Motorists of Britain just don't know which way to turn. Helen Fielding on road sign madness00:02
Radioactive leaks00:02
Bandits shoot boy00:02
Almanack: Leaps and bounds take a scream test00:02
Rugby Union Diary: Catt becomes a fly-half and a half00:02
Letter: Action needed now on climate00:02
The List00:02
Tennis: Pierce untroubled in semi-final00:02
Driven man cut down in his prime: Alex Scott, racehorse trainer - born, 8 February, 1960; died, 30 September 1994. Jamie Reid traces the short but brilliant career of a gifted horseman00:02
15bn pounds aid plan00:02
Europeran Football: Bergkamp ban lifted00:02
Rugby League: Fulton at the fulcrum: Dave Hadfield meets a model rugby league coach who will drive on Australia00:02
Bunhill: Japanese hold00:02
GOING OUT / Opera: Massenet performance of frills and windmills00:02
Boxing: Robinson's world not for Wenton00:02
Sailing: Fast Pace breaks the calm00:02
Own label feud setto revive00:02
Cyanide death00:02
Cricket: Richardson plans early return00:02
GOING OUT / The Sunday Picture00:02
The Agreeable World of Wallace Arnold: My 'far from disagreeble verse' - rejected]00:02
Arms-to-Iraq men to sue Customs00:02
Boxing: Lewis faces a split decision: Beaten champion must choose between comfort zone and reviving a career undermined by McCall's might - Harry Mullan says Britain's latest failure must knuckle under to stay at the top00:02
Clarke's double gold standard: The Chancellor's proposal to the IMF is patently unfair, argues Paul Rodgers00:02
TELEVISION / The kids are not all right00:02
Opinions: Which politician would you most like to smack?00:02
Cash-in ahead at VSEL: Cambridge don stands to gain nearly pounds 1m from bid for shipyard00:02
Drug addict doctors allowed to practise00:02
Almanack: The land of my father00:02
Rugby Union: Fiery Moore ignites sluggish Quins00:02
Bunhill: Letter from MP reveals a talent for clairvoyance00:02
Racing: Cecil goes distance00:02
Lessons on dignity and compassion from plague-stricken Derbyshire00:02
Football: So what do you think of it so far?: The Premiership's imports pass judgement on the English game00:02
Gulf war officer says he slept with Diana00:02
Letter: Heard the one about the Brussels banana?00:02
Q & A: Strips of quick-change artists00:02
Meciar ahead00:02
Grapevine: Katherine McWhirter on the best from Marks & Spencer00:02
As others see it00:02
Couple made a date with survival00:02
Any other business: Boffin who fixes dates for shy inventors: Lucius Cary00:02
Drugs in sport: Chinese swimmers are tested00:02
INTERIORS / Coats of many colours: Choosing wallpaper and carpets doesn't faze Louise Cotier; she just paints the pattern she wants directly on to any surface. Dinah Hall calls on a creative spirit00:02
Rugby Union: Cardiff deepen gloom for Scarlets00:02
City & Business: A long time dying00:02
Letter: The answer to Heathrow's terminal trouble lies in the east00:02
Vanishing captain holds key to riddle of disaster00:02
ARTS / Overheard00:02
Letter: Writer has not been 'seen off'00:02
Bunhill: Who is Doris?00:02
Personal Finance: No victory on pensions00:02
Small oversight spells big fees on credit cards00:02
Cricket: Saeed in groove00:02
Regeneration: Lending help to inner-city companies: A community initiative based on a US model aims to fill the gap in Birmingham as banks abandon poorer urban areas00:02
Together now: the people's flag is . . . rhubarb, rhubarb00:02
Did greed or bad luck sink the Estonia?: Human error and watered-down official standards may have been a fatal combination in the notorious Gulf of Finland00:02
Learning goes into extra time00:02
Mustard sale has foreigners in hot pursuit00:02
Football: Dowie heads for home00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Butterfly with a sting: James McNeill Whistler talked his way into 'brilliant' society with a tongue sharpened by disappointment: a new biography coincides with a major retrospective of his work00:02
New Nigerian party00:02
Loyalists sound note of protest as republicans march thrdisrupt00:02
RECORDS / The IoS Playlist: The five best sounds of the moment00:02
TELEVISION / 'Dialogue. Always': Alan Bleasdale has a new job - as a talent spotter. He told Robert Butler why he was happy to read 2,000 scripts00:02
Row over Blair's pounds 79,000: Labour to introduce new rules after NEC gives leader 'a hard time' on campaign spending00:02
Immigrants must invest m pounds00:02
MUSIC / Romantic jamboree in duff start00:02
Egg society denies aiding nest thefts: An obscure group named after a Victorian clergyman is accused of acting as a front for illegal collectors who damage rare species00:02
RECORDS / New Releases00:02
In Washington: Recovery rides on the workers00:02
'Plasma makes me brim with energy'00:02
Agnew urges hard line on insider traders00:02
Rugby Union: Harris tips the scales00:02
Football: Roy central to Forest's ambitions: Foreign fields: A Dutchman inspired by new horizons clips his wings to stimulate a revival - Richard Williams meets the striker whose move to England has galvanised a club00:02
Football: Wright record, wrong result00:02
Director of failed firm in flotation00:02
Football: Popescu blesses Spurs00:02
Scheme to avoid gains tax00:02
Leading Article: Drunk in charge of the nation00:02
BOOK REVIEW / Vanishing cream: 'The Daydreamer' - Ian McEwan: Cape, 8.99 pounds