
I’ve already voted – but now I’m worried it won’t be counted

As the row over delayed postal votes escalates, ministers and the Royal Mail are busy blaming each other for the ballot packs stuck in the sorting office, says James Moore

Tuesday 02 July 2024 16:09 BST
Constituencies from Kent to the Channel Islands have reported ‘missing’ postal votes
Constituencies from Kent to the Channel Islands have reported ‘missing’ postal votes (AFP via Getty Images)

Mercifully, my election campaign is over. Last week, I put my “X” in the box and sent my postal vote on its way. Or at least I thought I did. Now it seems that postal voting has become a problem.

Thousands believe their vote won’t be counted in time, their ballots delayed in our notoriously unreliable post; voting packs are still stuck in sorting offices. Those who requested replacement paperwork ought to have received them last week – but many haven’t.

The problem is most critical in parts of Scotland, where the school term has already ended, meaning some voters have already left on their summer holidays. Constituencies from Kent to the Channel Islands have reported “missing” ballots.

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