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By voting with younger generations in mind, boomers can make amends

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Friday 21 June 2024 21:09 BST
The baby boomers’ ‘gift’ to succeeding generations was Brexit, polluted waters and toxic air
The baby boomers’ ‘gift’ to succeeding generations was Brexit, polluted waters and toxic air (Getty)

With election day approaching fast – and political scandals still coming to light – can I appeal to the people who can really make a difference?

Baby boomers are surely the luckiest generation in Britain. We missed the world wars, enjoyed the benefits of a functional and free NHS, and now we have a triple-lock pension. Oh, and we were able to go to university for free! Moreover, we now own nearly 80 per cent of the private housing stock in the country, making homes unaffordable for young families.

What has our boomer generation bequeathed to the succeeding generations? Unaffordable homes, Brexit, polluted waters and toxic air. It’s time we make amends for our selfishness and bequeath a better Britain – and a better world – to our children.

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