
Will the Conservative Party ever be rid of the taint of sleaze? Don’t bet on it…

As a second Tory candidate faces a gambling probe over election betting, the party risks confirming the worst stereotypes of politicians as out for themselves, rather than in public service for the common good, says John Rentoul

Thursday 20 June 2024 12:20 BST
Tory candidate Laura Saunders, who previously worked at Conservative Campaign HQ, is facing a Gambling Commission investigation
Tory candidate Laura Saunders, who previously worked at Conservative Campaign HQ, is facing a Gambling Commission investigation (Laura Saunders/X)

Despite the low ethical standards set by the Conservative Party in recent times, the disclosure of three alleged bets on the timing of the election still comes as a shock.

The last Tory landslide election defeat in 1997 followed a string of disclosures about the misconduct of its MPs. Some were sex scandals that seemed to contradict Tory rhetoric about family values; others involved asking parliamentary questions in return for cash in brown envelopes; all were wrapped up in the damning word “sleaze”.

But they seem quaint and old-fashioned compared with the news that alleged bets on the date of the election are being investigated by the Gambling Commission. All three are linked to Tory HQ, and therefore to Rishi Sunak – although there is no suggestion that he is involved in any way.

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