It’s time Rishi Sunak deported Suella Braverman from his cabinet

Editorial: As an Independent exclusive reveals the home secretary was the director of a charity providing training to Rwandan government lawyers for five years, prompting fresh allegations of failing to disclose a conflict of interest, we call on her to go – now

Tuesday 23 May 2023 20:02 BST
(Dave Brown)

Three strikes and she’s out? The latest allegations against Suella Braverman suggest a certain habitual pattern of behaviour.

Since she was first appointed home secretary last September, Ms Braverman has had to resign once over a breach of the ministerial code, seems to have abused her position again in trying to get a form of “private justice” over a speeding offence, and now faces fresh charges of failing to disclose a potential or perceived conflict of interest.

She should have gone by now in any case, but the latest revelations must surely also now attract the interest of the prime minister and his independent adviser on ministerial conduct, Sir Laurie Magnus. She must go.

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