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iPhone X live updates: Apple reveals its most ambitious device ever – latest

Andrew Griffin
Tuesday 12 September 2017 11:47 BST
Meet the iPhone X

Apple just held its biggest event of the year. And it launched its biggest product of the year, the iPhone 8 – before going ahead and announcing an even bigger one, the iPhone X.

There was actually three phones: the cheaper iPhone 8, and the premium and more expensive X.

And that wasn't all – there was also an updated Apple Watch, an even better looking Apple TV, and software updates for most of Apple's products.

Follow along here for all the latest updates from Apple's big event, as well as before and after.

Please allow a moment for the liveblog to appear.


Jony Ive is on.

"For more than a decade, our intention has been to create an iPhone that is all display.

"Developing the form and display together defines a whole new integration, making the boundary between the face and the screen hard to discern."

Andrew Griffin12 September 2017 19:46

"10 years ago, Steve introduced the world to the iPhone. He included a quote from Wayne Gretzky" about skating to where the puck is going to be. "That is what iPhone X is all about."

Andrew Griffin12 September 2017 19:51

Tim Cook is wrapping up.

Apple Watch without your iPhone.

Apple TV 4K brings cinema straight to your living room.

iPhone 8: beautiful glass design, new cameras, wireless charging, powerful AR capabilities.

And iPhone X: the most advanced iPhone we've ever made. With an incredible new design, FaceID, TrueDepth camera system and more powerful camera technologies than ever before. It really is the future of the smartphone.

Andrew Griffin12 September 2017 19:53

And that's all! Thanks everyone for reading along, and stick with us for reaction and impressions from the hands-on area.

Andrew Griffin12 September 2017 19:55

Our technology critic David Phelan is backstage, looking at the new phones. And you can see exactly what that's like over on our Facebook, here.

Andrew Griffin12 September 2017 20:15

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