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Andy Murray vs Jordan Thompson LIVE: Queen’s tennis latest as Brit pulls out of tournament with injury

Andy Murray will be in action at Queen’s against Jordan Thompson this afternoon

Sonia Twigg,Kieran Jackson
Wednesday 19 June 2024 17:31
Andy Murray On Court Interview Round 1 16x9

Andy Murray had to retire in the first set of his second-round match at Queen’s against Jordan Thompson with an injury.

Murray, a former world number one, earned a hard-fought 6-3 3-6 6-3 win over Alexei Popyrin on Tuesday to progress in the tournament, but was limping in the warm up and had to get the trainer out after the first three games, before continuing for another two more.

Despite hobbling around the court and not being able to serve with any power, Murray managed to win one game, but called the match with the score 1-4.

The 37-year-old has dropped out of the world’s top 100, and the win over Popyrin was only his seventh of the season as he has continued to fight against ruptured ankle ligaments in March and a back injury.

Murray has won Queen’s a record five times, but is not expected to extend his career beyond Wimbledon and the summer Olympics in Paris.

Thompson is currently ranked 43 in the world, but has been as high as 32, and the 30-year-old has won one title this year.

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Andy Murray withdraws from Queen’s with injury

Here are some photos of the five games and Murray:

(Getty Images)
(Action Images via Reuters)
Sonia Twigg19 June 2024 17:23

Murray retires hurt in the first set at Queen’s

Just taking a look back at the footage and Murray looked uncomfortable even coming out of the locker room.

Although it is unlikely he was struggling with it during his warm up ahead of the match, and there were no signs of it in his gritty win yesterday.

Sonia Twigg19 June 2024 17:22

Murray retires hurt in the first set at Queen’s

Queen’s are bidding farewell to the tennis player who has won this tournament five times. It’s not how he would want to go out, but the injury seemed to be bothering him too much to continue.

Sonia Twigg19 June 2024 17:19

Andy Murray* 1-4 Jordan Thompson - Murray retires hurt

Murray has the trainer back on and I think the discussion will be about whether he chooses to keep going in this match or not.

I think he has called it. The crowd will be disappointed, he will be disappointed his family are all there, but there was just no way he could keep going.

Sonia Twigg19 June 2024 17:16

Andy Murray* 1-4 Jordan Thompson

Murray has missed two shots, straight into the net on his serve and is in danger of being broken again.

He manages to pull it back to 15-30, but double-faults and gives Thompson two break points, which he only needs one of with a second double fault.

Sonia Twigg19 June 2024 17:15

Andy Murray 1-3 Jordan Thompson*

Murray is cheered by all sections of the crowd as he gets up and gets back on his feet, but the first shot he has to hit is very wayward and he looks uncomfortable.

Thompson is playing with this now, he plays a drop shot that Murray tries to get to but clearly doesn’t want to push too hard.

Thompson quickly establishes a 40-0 lead, Murray gets a point with a well-timed backhand return.

Thompson takes the game, Murray does come to the net and makes a shot but has to hop on the spot in pain when he gets there.

Sonia Twigg19 June 2024 17:13

Andy Murray 1-2 Jordan Thompson

Murray still down and getting treatment on what looks like the small of his back. Hopefully it’s not something too serious with Wimbledon around the corner, but he might have to make a decision about what to do in this match.

(Getty Images for LTA)
(Action Images via Reuters)
Sonia Twigg19 June 2024 17:06

Andy Murray 1-2 Jordan Thompson

Murray has got his trainer out on court to look at the leg that seems to be bothering him. It looks like it has just happened or surely he would have pulled out before this.

Sonia Twigg19 June 2024 17:02

Andy Murray 1-2 Jordan Thompson

Murray serves an ace down the middle despite being barely able to jump to serve here, and has a chance to win his first game here.

His mum and brother are in attendance, and he does hold. The crowd clap and express their appreciation, but he hobbles to his seat at the changeover.

Sonia Twigg19 June 2024 17:00

Andy Murray 0-2 Jordan Thompson

Thompson follows up his break with a quick 30-0 lead on his own serve, and Murray literally cannot get to these serves at all and is limping between points.

Murray wins a point on a hobble, if the ball is in front of him he can hit it nicely but he is not getting to most of them and just has to watch the ball past him.

Thompson holds to 15.

Sonia Twigg19 June 2024 16:58

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