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The Boat Race 2018 - as it happened: Cambridge claim clean sweep across men and women's races

Re-live all the action from Saturday's races

Samuel Lovett
Saturday 24 March 2018 15:55 GMT
Oxford v Cambridge: The Boat Race in numbers

Oxford and Cambridge universities go toe to toe and oar to oar this weekend in the men and women’s annual Boat Race.

All eyes will be on the River Thames once again as the Light Blues look to seek revenge for last year’s defeat and overturn their rivals’ recent dominance. Oxford have won four of the past five men’s races and are close to catching Cambridge in the overall standings (82-80).

In the women’s event, Cambridge won in record time last year after Oxford’s poor start to extend their head-to-head lead to 42-30.

More than 250,000 people are expected to take to the banks of the River Thames to watch the two teams compete - making this one of the biggest spectator events of the British sporting calendar.

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When is it?

The 164th Boat Race takes place on Saturday 24 March.

What time do the races start?

The women's race gets under way at 4.31pm while the men's race starts just over an hour later at 5.32pm.

Oxford claimed victory in last year's race
Oxford claimed victory in last year's race (Getty)

Where can I watch the Boat Race?

BBC 1 will be broadcasting both events. Live coverage starts at 3.50pm on the day.


Oxford: 81/50

Cambridge: 2/5

Dead heat: 50/1


And we're off, here we go!

Samuel Lovett24 March 2018 17:33

Some punchy strokes from Oxford out of the blocks but Cambridge are just edging it at the moment. One minute down.

Samuel Lovett24 March 2018 17:34

Cambridge's strong start continues and they're now about a third of a length in front. After that sprint start, they'll be looking to bring down their strokes per minute and ease into the race.

Samuel Lovett24 March 2018 17:35

Cambridge are one length ahead and already looking to move across in front of their rivals. The umpire warns them against doing so and they duly move back over to the left.

Samuel Lovett24 March 2018 17:36

It's rare in this age for teams to take such a comprehensive lead so early on but Cambridge have done just that, with 5:30 minutes on the clock. They've moved across in front of their rivals, sending 'dirty water' down towards Oxford behind them. The light blues are absolutely dominating this.

Samuel Lovett24 March 2018 17:39

We've just passed the Hammersmith Bridge where, rather surprisingly, a number of fans have let off red flares. Who knew rowing had its very own ultras? Cambridge are still comfortably in front. This race looks to be all but over.

Samuel Lovett24 March 2018 17:41

The 10-minute mark has passed and Oxford are falling further and further behind. What a win this will be. A huge turnaround from last year's disappointment.

Samuel Lovett24 March 2018 17:44

14 minutes on the clock and Cambridge are showing no signs of letting up. Their blade work is seamless, cutting the water in precise and purposeful fashion with each passing stroke. Oxford, meanwhile, are looking increasingly dispirited as the gap widens. They're currently 11 seconds behind.

Samuel Lovett24 March 2018 17:49

And that's that! Cambridge cross the line first to claim victory in the 2018 Boat Race. Another comprehensive victory from the light blues.

Samuel Lovett24 March 2018 17:51

Cambridge's rowers are naturally delighted as they thump their chests and splash the water with their hands. A ruddy good effort from the boys!

Samuel Lovett24 March 2018 17:54

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