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Tueday's transfer news: Man Utd, Arsenal, Liverpool and Tottenham rumours as clubs rush for late deals

A look back at the biggest stories from Tuesday 6 August

Tom Kershaw
Tuesday 06 August 2019 12:59 BST
Transfer deadline day summer 2019: The deals done so far

The transfer window closes on Thursday evening and it is set to be a busy few days for the likes of Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Tottenham Hotspur and the rest of the Premier League as every club scrambles to bolster their squad before the deadline.

Manchester United have dominated the headlines in recent days and yesterday wrapped up a record deal for the England international Harry Maguire. The defender has been handed the No 5 shirt and could start for the club this weekend. But outgoings are still possible – with both Paul Pogba and Romelu Lukaku linked with a move away.

Meanwhile, Arsenal are still hunting for a defender after signing Nicolas Pepe in a club-record deal. And Spurs have a lot of business to complete with only one new player on their books for the coming season. Follow LIVE news and updates below:

The summer transfer window closes at 5pm on Wednesday 8 August for all Premier League and Championship clubs, with teams in League One, League Two and across Europe able to sign new players until 11pm on Monday 2 September.


Christian Eriksen and his camp are now giving serious consideration to a move to Manchester United, amid limited options ahead of the transfer window closing.

The Tottenham Hotspur playmaker's contract is up next year, and he had been fully intent on joining Real Madrid this summer, with no willingness to sign a new deal.

The Spanish club have cooled their interest, though, leaving Eriksen with limited options.

Although there had been tentative interest from Bayern Munich and Juventus, only United have come in strongly.

Eriksen's camp had previously been cool on the Old Trafford club themselves, given that they are not in the Champions League, but are now more open to an approach.

Read more:

Vithushan Ehantharajah6 August 2019 12:31

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