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Cristiano Ronaldo interview LIVE: Manchester United and Portugal star tells all to Piers Morgan

Latest updates as the second part of Cristiano Ronaldo’s explosive interview is aired

Lawrence Ostlere
Thursday 17 November 2022 21:14 GMT
Cristiano Ronaldo Opens Up On Death Of Newborn Son

Cristiano Ronaldo felt Manchester United had 'cut his legs' and did not want him to 'shine' or listen to advice as his relationship with the club deteriorated. In his revealing TalkTV interview that has been released over the last few days, the Portugal forward claimed United were trying to force him out and criticised boss Erik ten Hag while also saying Red Devils owners the Glazer family do not care about the club. The five-time Ballon d'Or winner said he did not respect Dutchman ten Hag, who took over at Old Trafford in the summer, and claimed a number of individuals at United were trying to push him to leave. In Thursday night's second instalment of the full interview on Piers Morgan Uncensored, Ronaldo gave further details of how he felt he had been "betrayed" as his return to United went sour. "When I arrived at Manchester United, I always be available to help the team to do the good things, to put in the right spots, to compete with the best teams," Ronaldo said. "But it's hard when they cut your legs and they don't like you to shine and they don't listen to your advice. "I think I have words to advise to the club. I think I can help a lot, but when the infrastructure is not good..."


Cristiano Ronaldo interview

So, what did we learn from this exercise?

Well, Ronaldo has chosen to very deliberately torch his Manchester United bridges, criticising everyone from the Glazers and senior hierarchy to the manager, teammates and supposedly entitled younger players. Just about the only people he didn’t stick the knife into were the training ground cooks, whom he described as “lovely people”, and the fans whom he says “will always be on his side”.

His United career is surely over, and this second part of the interview appeared an effort to pitch his services to top European clubs in January. Will there be any takers? Maybe, but I’m not sure how this interview will have helped. It is hard to understand why he thought this was the best way to go about engineering a move away from the club when he could have used more traditional methods, like asking his agent to organise a transfer. Clearly, being marginalised and then disciplined by Erik ten Hag has hurt him, and this was perhaps just his way of hitting back.

So it’s all rather ugly and no one has come out of the episode particuarly well, Piers Morgan included with his constant interruptions and sycophantic air. Ronaldo now needs a fantastic World Cup to persuade a major club to take him, or else his only options are likely to be the United States or the Middle Eastl and his career at the top of football will be done.

Lawrence Ostlere17 November 2022 21:13

Cristiano Ronaldo interview

It sounds like Ronaldo wants to write a book or a Ted Talk on “longevity”.

“I think I’m a role model and I can help many many people if they want my help, especially young people.”

And that’s a wrap.

Lawrence Ostlere17 November 2022 20:57

Cristiano Ronaldo interview

Ronaldo says he has two or three years left playing football.

Now he is talking up NFL legend Tom Brady and right-wing loon Jordan Peterson. “A great man,” Ronaldo says.

Lawrence Ostlere17 November 2022 20:55

Cristiano Ronaldo interview

Is Messi the best player he’s ever played with? “Yes. Him, Zidane.” He says he would like to go for dinner with Messi one day.

Lawrence Ostlere17 November 2022 20:52

Cristiano Ronaldo interview

On Qatar as a World Cup host: “Qatar is prepared. We should focus only on football.”

Morgan heartily agrees because apparently it’s too late to highlight appalling human rights abuses or LGBT rights. Cool.

Lawrence Ostlere17 November 2022 20:49

Cristiano Ronaldo interview

On Lionel Messi: “It’s like Messi is a teammate. He’s a guy I respect. The way he always talks about me. Even his wife, from my girlfriend. What else can I say? A great guy who does great things for football. He’s an incredible player. Magic. We shared the stage for 16 years. Imagine... 16 years! So I have a great relationship with him.”

Lawrence Ostlere17 November 2022 20:46

Cristiano Ronaldo interview

“It’s hard for me to say I will not be back at Manchester United. The fans will always be by my side, be in my heart. I see the love and passion for me when I go to the street. I appreciate the love that they send to me all the time, even when I don’t play, so thank you to all of the supporters, I hope I will see you soon.”

Lawrence Ostlere17 November 2022 20:41

Cristiano Ronaldo interview

It sounds like Ronaldo is making a pitch for a new club. “I am still playing at a high level and I will still continue to score goals if the people around me support me, especially the manager and directors.”

Lawrence Ostlere17 November 2022 20:37

Cristiano Ronaldo interview

Ronaldo claims he had offers from Sporting, Napoli and many others in the summer. “The garbage press says nobody wants me which is wrong.”

Lawrence Ostlere17 November 2022 20:35

Cristiano Ronaldo interview

Ronaldo on whether he regrets re-joining Manchester United: “I don’t regret but it was more emotional than professional. It was good because I was happy when they left me. I always available to help the team be in the right spot to compete with the best teams. I think I have advice for the club but when the infrastructure is not good...” Morgan cuts him off.

Lawrence Ostlere17 November 2022 20:34

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