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Ukraine-Russia war latest: Number killed and others feared trapped in fire at Russian former research centre

Two people jumped to their death from the top floors of a burning eight-storey former Russian electronics research institute in Moscow

Zelensky says China trying to undermine Ukraine peace summit

Two people jumped to their death from the top floors of a burning eight-storey former Russian electronics research institute in Moscow on Monday.

At least six other people have died in the fire as people became trapped on the top floors and were unable to escape, the state-run TASS news agency reported.

One man was shown jumping from the upper floor of the building by the Baza Telegram channel. Another, with serious burns, fell from the upper floors, footage published by Shot Telegram channel showed. It was not immediately clear what caused the fire.

In other developments, top North Korean military officials criticised the United States on Monday for its expanding military assistance to Ukraine and warned of a “new world war”.

Just days after Russian president Vladimir Putin’s visit to Pyongyang, Pak Jong Chon, one of North Korea‘s top military officials, said Moscow had the “right to opt for any kind of retaliatory strike” if Washington kept pushing Ukraine to a “proxy war” against Russia.

It could provoke a stronger response from Moscow, and a “new world war”, Pak said, according to KCNA.

In pictures: Burnt Derbent synagogue following after Dagestan attack

Sergei Melikov, the head of the Dagestan region, visits Derbent synagogue following an attack by gunmen and a fire.

(Dagestan authorities/Reuters)
(Dagestan authorities/Reuters)
(Dagestan authorities/Reuters)
Maryam Zakir-Hussain24 June 2024 12:54

Russia says U.S. programmed and guided missiles which struck Crimea

The Russian foreign ministry said on Monday that missiles used in Sunday’s attack on Crimea had been programmed by United States specialists and guided based on intelligence data from U.S. satellites and a nearby U.S. reconnaissance drone.

The ministry earlier on Monday summoned the U.S. ambassador to tell her that Moscow blamed Kyiv and Washington equally for the deadly attack on the city of Sevastopol in Crimea.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain24 June 2024 12:28

North Korea warns US of ‘new world war’ over support for Ukraine

Top North Korean military officials criticised the United States on Monday for its expanding military assistance to Ukraine and warned of a “new world war”.

North Korea‘s vice minister of defence, Kim Kang Il, said the U.S. sending an aircraft carrier to the Korean peninsula was a “very dangerous” show of force, leaving doors open for North Korea‘s “overwhelming, new demonstration of deterrence,” state media KCNA reported.

A nuclear-powered US aircraft carrier, the Theodore Roosevelt, arrived in the South Korean port city of Busan on Saturday to take part in joint military exercises later this month with the host nation and Japan, naval officials said.

Just days after Russian president Vladimir Putin’s visit to Pyongyang, Pak Jong Chon, one of North Korea‘s top military officials, said Moscow had the “right to opt for any kind of retaliatory strike” if Washington kept pushing Ukraine to a “proxy war” against Russia.

It could provoke a stronger response from Moscow, and a “new world war”, Pak said, according to KCNA.

Joe Middleton24 June 2024 11:53

Farage accused of ‘playing into Putin’s hands’ as he doubles down on Ukraine invasion comments

Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer have led criticism of Nigel Farage after the Reform UK leader claimed that the West “provoked” Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

It did not stop Mr Farage from doubling down on his comments, originally made in a BBC Panorama interview which aired on Friday night, in a column piece on Saturday afternoon for the Daily Telegraph, claiming that he should “not be blamed for telling the truth about Putin’s war”.

Asked about the remarks during an election campaign visit in London on Saturday, prime minister Mr Sunak suggested Mr Farage was “emboldening Putin”.

Farage accused of ‘playing into Putin’s hands’ as he doubles down on Ukraine comments

Nigel Farage says he shouldn’t be blamed for ‘telling the truth’ about Vladimir Putin’s war – though he has stopped short of offering an alternative policy

Maryam Zakir-Hussain24 June 2024 11:00

Under curfew, Ukrainians mark midsummer with bonfire jumping at a festival with pagan roots

Despite war-time restrictions, Ukrainians marked midsummer with festivals that featured frenetic folk dancing, flower decoration and jumping over bonfires.

The festival of Ivana Kupala on Sunday was held as Ukrainians start their third summer at war, with Kyiv and other cities hit by regular blackouts and remaining under nightly curfew.

An hour’s drive south of the capital, several thousand joined the summer festival, many wearing shirts and dresses embroidered with traditional patterns.

Under curfew, Ukrainians mark midsummer with bonfire jumping at a festival with pagan roots

Despite war-time restrictions, Ukrainians marked midsummer with festivals that feature frenetic folk dancing, flower decoration and jumping over bonfires

Maryam Zakir-Hussain24 June 2024 10:30

Three injured after Russian missile strike on Odesa

A Russian missile attack on the southern Ukrainian city of Odesa struck civilian infrastructure and injured at least three people, on Monday morning, regional governor Oleh Kiper said.

The attack damaged a storage facility where some 50 people were working, military and regional authorities said.

The air force said it had prevented one of two cruise missiles launched by Russia from reaching the target.

Mr Kiper said on the Telegram messaging app that two middle-aged men and a 19-year-old boy were taken to hospital.

The air force had warned the city’s residents of the threat of incoming missiles before the explosions sounded.

Odesa has been a frequent target of Russian forces in the 28-month-long full-scale invasion, with many attacks aimed at the city’s port facilities. Russia denies targeting civilians or civilian infrastructure.

Joe Middleton24 June 2024 10:15

With its new pact with North Korea, Russia raises the stakes with the West over Ukraine

Behind the smiles, the balloons and the red-carpet pageantry of President Vladimir Putin‘s visit to North Korea last week, a strong signal came through: In the spiraling confrontation with the U.S. and its allies over Ukraine, the Russian leader is willing to challenge Western interests like never before.

The pact that he signed with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un envisions mutual military assistance between Moscow and Pyongyang if either is attacked. Putin also announced for the first time that Russia could provide weapons to the isolated country, a move that could destabilize the Korean Peninsula and reverberate far beyond.

With its new pact with North Korea, Russia raises the stakes with the West over Ukraine

Behind the pageantry of President Vladimir Putin’s visit to North Korea, a strong signal came through: In the spiraling confrontation with the U.S. and its allies over Ukraine, the Russian leader is willing to challenge Western interests like never before

Maryam Zakir-Hussain24 June 2024 10:00

Ukraine sends over 30 drones into Russia after bombing of Kharkiv leaves 3 dead and dozens injured

Russian authorities said more than 30 drones were shot down over the country’s western regions overnight into Sunday, just hours after a Russian bomb attack on Ukraine’s second largest city of Kharkiv killed three people and left dozens in hospitals.

One of the four aerial bombs hit a five-story residential building on Saturday afternoon, officials said. Regional Gov. Oleh Syniehubov said 41 people were still being treated for injuries.

In a video address following the attack, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged Ukraine’s partners to bolster its air defenses.

Ukraine sends over 30 drones into Russia after bombing of Kharkiv leaves 3 dead and dozens injured

Russian authorities say more than 30 drones were shot down over the country’s western regions overnight, just hours after a Russian bomb attack on Ukraine’s second largest city of Kharkiv killed three people and left dozens in hospitals

Maryam Zakir-Hussain24 June 2024 09:38

MoD issue ‘myth-busting’ Nato video after Farage comments on Ukraine invasion

The Ministry of Defence has published a myth-busting video denouncing the idea that Nato is “encircling” Russia, just a day after Nigel Farage doubled down on his claims that the West had “provoked” Vladimir Putin into invading Ukraine.

In a 31-second clip posted on X, formerly Twitter, the MoD’s video presented the idea that “Nato is encircling Russia” as a myth, before writing that Russia is the largest country in the world and that “it is hard to encircle a country with 11 time zones.”

“Only 11 per cent of Russia’s land border is shared with Nato countries,” a message in the video showed.

MoD issue ‘myth-busting’ Nato video after Farage comments on Ukraine invasion

The Ministry of Defence said Russia would be ‘hard to encircle’ in a video posted after Nigel Farage’s controversial comments

Maryam Zakir-Hussain24 June 2024 09:08

EU has solution to use frozen Russian funds for Ukraine, Borrell says

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on Monday said he would put forward a proposal on how to avoid any member state blocking the use of proceeds from frozen Russian financial funds to support Ukraine.

“We have a legal procedure in order to avoid any kind of blockage,” Borrell said before a meeting of EU foreign affairs ministers in Luxembourg.

Maryam Zakir-Hussain24 June 2024 08:39

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