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White House press conference: Trump interrupts with threat to cut GM subsidies over job layoffs

The press conference was the first in nearly a month

Clark Mindock
New York
Tuesday 27 November 2018 20:09 GMT
Sarah Sanders: It is a "ridiculous accusation" to say Trump has ever lied

US press secretary Sarah Sanders is holding the first White House news briefing this month.

The conference comes as the White House is juggling controversies on multiple fronts, including growing tension at the US-Mexico border where agents fired tear gas at travelling migrants – a move staunchly defended by Donald Trump — and recent developments from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election after former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was accused of lying to the FBI in violation of a recent plea deal.

During the press conference, Ms Sanders suggested that the Obama administration also allowed for the use of tear gas at the US-Mexico border, and said that Mr Trump would like to see the Mueller investigation come to its conclusion.

"Certainly the president has voiced his unhappiness from the beginning that this has gone on, this ridiculous witch hunt for two years, and we would like to see it come to a conclusion," Ms Sanders said when asked why the president appears uneasy with the looming release of the Mueller report, which will be delivered to the US attorney general.

Those concerns come just as the US economy shows signs of potential weakening, too, after General Motors announced thousands of layoffs this week amid ongoing tension over the president's harsh tariffs on foreign imports that have left major American industries in jeopardy as the cost of raw materials has surged. Meanwhile, on the international front, Russian aggression in Ukraine has put a spotlight on Mr Trump's relationship with the Kremlin as he has refused to condemn the aggression there.

Just at the end of the press conference, the president himself weighed in on Twitter to discuss the GM layoffs, and suggested that the company may see its subsidies for electric car production revoked. White House officials had indicated during the press conference that punishments may come for the auto maker over its thousands of layoffs.

"Very disappointed with General Motors and their CEO, Mary Barra, for closing plants in Ohio, Michigan and Maryland. Nothing being closed in Mexico & China. The U.S. saved General Motors, and this is the THANKS we get! We are now looking at cutting all @GM subsidies, including for electric cars. General Motors made a big China bet years ago when they built plants there (and in Mexico) - don’t think that bet is going to pay off. I am here to protect America’s Workers!" Mr Trump tweeted.

Other topics covered during the press conference included the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi — US National Security Adviser John Bolton said he would not listen to a tape recording of the murder — and the recent US report on climate change, which Ms Sanders said the president does not believe is accurate.

Please read along for our coverage of the press conference, as it happened.

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Ms Sanders has called the recent US climate report "radical", and said that the Trump administration does not agree with the findings in that report which have suggested that devastation could come as a result of climate change.

Ms Sanders called the report that was released by the US government late last week as "radical" and said that climate models are not exact. She repeatedly said that Mr Trump is focused on clean air and clean water, but did not specifics on how the administration is doing so or if the administration sees any urgency to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that are driving global average temperatures higher.

"We think that this is the most extreme version and it's not based on facts. It's not data driven, we'd like to see something that is more data driven. It's based on modeling, which is extremely hard to do," she said.

Clark Mindock27 November 2018 19:16

Ms Sanders said that she does not know if the US is planning on providing any financial assistance to Mexico or others to help with migrants at the US-Mexico border.

"I'm not aware of any financial assistance," she said.

Clark Mindock27 November 2018 19:18

Ms Sanders demurred when asked if the president is concerned that the Mueller report will be made public, since it is only supposed to initially go to the US attorney general when it is finished.

After she said that the president is worried, she was asked why the president has been attacking the Mueller probe so frequently and viciously. Ms Sanders said that Mr Trump wants the investigation to conclude.

"Certainly the president has voiced his unhappiness from the beginning that this has gone on, this ridiculous witch hunt for two years, and we would like to see it come to a conclusion", Ms Sanders said.

Clark Mindock27 November 2018 19:20

Ms Sanders has left the briefing room, concluding today's briefing.

Clark Mindock27 November 2018 19:21

US National Economic Council director Larry Kudlow said earlier in the briefing that punishment for GM may be coming over recently announced layoffs. It didn't take long for the president himself to say what those punishments may be.

Just as Ms Sanders was finishing her press briefing, Mr Trump tweeted that the US may cut subsidies to GM. 

Clark Mindock27 November 2018 19:24

Thanks for following along for the White House's press conference. That's it for us, folks.

Clark Mindock27 November 2018 19:24

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