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Trump lashes out after economic gloom deepens, as he jokes about trading Puerto Rico for Greenland

The president appeared to take a break today

Lily Puckett
New York
,Joe Sommerlad
Thursday 22 August 2019 17:37 BST
Trump muses about serving more than two terms as president

Donald Trump had a much quieter day after yesterday's marathon spew. He started the morning off by renewing his criticism of the Federal Reserve, accusing it of “moving like quicksand” compared to Germany’s central bank, despite insisting the US economy is “strong”, refuting analysts' fears a recession is imminent and backing away from tax cuts. After that, he appeared to take the day off from social media, possibly at the hands of concerned aides, or maybe just after tiring himself out.

The morning's attack follows the president’s address to the American Veterans 75th National Convention in Kentucky on Wednesday evening, where he joked about awarding himself the Medal of Honor and trailed the idea of dumping thousands of captured Isis fighters on Europe.

That speech followed a particularly wild day for Mr Trump in which he retweeted praise from an evangelical broadcaster likening the affection in which he is held by Israeli Jews to “the second coming of God”, referred to himself as “the chosen one” in discussion with reporters and labelled the prime minister of Denmark “nasty” over her refusal to consider selling Greenland to him.

In 2020 news, the Democrats will not be granted a widely-anticipated climate change forum, after a top Joe Biden adviser came out against in at a DNC meeting. In a time with climate change is undeniably one of the country, and planet's, greatest threats, it's a confusing turn from the party in the US that actually acknowledges the existence of the existential threat.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders will take a new job at Fox News. The position has surprised practically no one.

Finally, four more representatives now support beginning impeachment proceedings, bringing the number to 135.

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A little more on another of Trump's distrubing lines from yesterday: his contention, originally, offered as a joke, that he might serve up to 14 years as president.

Joe Sommerlad22 August 2019 14:40

Orange Trump-shaped ecstasy pills are doing the rounds in Florida, according to local police.

Joe Sommerlad22 August 2019 14:55

Great front cover on The New York Daily News this morning.

They're clearly enjoying themselves at the moment.

Joe Sommerlad22 August 2019 15:10

Even Fox pundit Geraldo Rivera has had enough.

Joe Sommerlad22 August 2019 15:25

Here's a list of all the women Trump has called "nasty", from Meghan Markle to Mette Frederiksen.

Joe Sommerlad22 August 2019 15:40

How much longer has Jerome Powell got in the chair? His days are surely numbered at this rate.

Joe Sommerlad22 August 2019 15:50

Iceland's prime minister Katrin Jakobsdottir is ducking out of a meeting with Mike Pence next month, preferring to attended a trade union conference in Sweden, but insists it is not an act of Scandinavian solidarity with Denmark against the Trump administration.

Clark Mindock reports.

Joe Sommerlad22 August 2019 16:05

While Sean Spicer's going on Dancing with the Stars - with the surprise backing of Queer Eye's culture man Karamo Brown - his successor as press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, is joining Fox News as a contributor. 

This is just the latest example of cross-pollination between the administration and the president's favourite broadcaster:

Sanders will make her debut on Fox and Friends on 6 September, where she will no doubt face a barage of softball questions about her White House tenure.

(Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty)

Joe Sommerlad22 August 2019 16:20

Trump has been busy over the last two days insisting his remarks about American Jews who vote Democrat being "disloyal" were not antisemitic.

While Jewish convert Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner have so far conspicuously failed to come to his defence, The Washington Post's video editor, JM Reiger, has assembled a handy compilation of similar remarks by the president on the same theme.

Here's a reminder of the response to his words from America's Jewish community.

Joe Sommerlad22 August 2019 16:35

For Indy Voices, DC reporter Andrew Feinberg tells the story of his asking Trump about those inflammatory comments on American Jews. 

Joe Sommerlad22 August 2019 16:50

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