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White House says it will not co-operate with impeachment inquiry after blocking ambassador from testifying to Congress

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Chris Riotta
New York
,Joe Sommerlad,Lily Puckett
Tuesday 08 October 2019 22:47 BST
Donald Trump defends decision to pull US forces out of Syria

Donald Trump’s ambassador to the EU, Gordon Sondland, has been blocked from testifying before Congress about his role in the Ukraine scandal, the president calling the impeachment inquiry a “kangaroo court” as he frustrates its bid to examine the damning text messages Mr Sondland exchanged with another envoy, Kurt Volker.

The president meanwhile remains under fire from senior Republicans over his announcement that the US will withdraw troops from northern Syria - leaving its allies against Isis in the Syrian Democratic Forces exposed to Turkish aggression – a move that was also branded “bats*** crazy” by ex-US national security adviser Susan Rice and that reportedly left his own senior military officials completely blindsided.

“Everyone was absolutely flabbergasted by this. I tell you that as a fact,” admiral James Stavridis told MSNBC. “Nobody saw it coming, and that is a real problem when you’re trying to conduct not only foreign policy... but also military operations.”

The president also feuded with the mayor of Minneapolis, Minnesota today about security fees for a rally he'll hold in the city on Thursday.

Finally, the White House sent a letter to House leadership saying they would not cooperate with their impeachment inquiry. Ms Pelosi's office confirmed that she received it.

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The British government said it would oppose any Turkish incursion into Syria and rejected a claim by Donald Trump that the UK was “thrilled” with his decision to green light the offensive. 

“We have been consistently clear with Turkey that unilateral military action must be avoided as it would destabilise the region and threaten efforts to secure the lasting defeat of Daesh [Isis],” foreign office minister Andrew Murrison told parliament.

Mr Trump made a shock announcement on Sunday night to withdraw troops from the Turkey-Syria border, and said the US would not stand in the way of a Turkish offensive against Kurdish fighters in the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The move was criticised as a betrayal of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, which has been the West’s main ally in the fight against Isis.     

“A lot of people have their opinion. I could name many who are extremely thrilled that we’re coming home,” Mr Trump said at the White House on Monday. 

“The UK is very thrilled at this decision. As you know, they have soldiers over there also. And others. But many people agree with it very strongly. I understand both sides of it very well.”

Chris Riotta8 October 2019 20:20

Donald Trump is now quoting himself on Twitter while warning migrants not to enter the United States -

Chris Riotta8 October 2019 20:40

Hillary Clinton, always game for a Twitter clapback, hit out at Donald Trump over his tweet mocking her with a plea to join the 2020 race:

Chris Riotta8 October 2019 21:00

The findings detailed in the Senate Intelligence Committee are quite explosive - and reveal exactly how the Kremlin used social media to influence the 2016 US presidential election - 

Chris Riotta8 October 2019 21:20

Two polls released today show that Americans are still divided on impeachment, but not by much. In a Quinnipac poll, 45 per cent of Americans are in favor of impeaching Trump. Meanwhile, a Washington Post poll found that 58 per cent of those asked approved of Congress's impeachment inquiry.

Lily Puckett8 October 2019 21:53

As expected, the president says he won't cooperate with House's impeachment inquiry. 

Lily Puckett8 October 2019 22:32

Nancy Pelosi has confirmed that she received the letter.

Lily Puckett8 October 2019 23:06

That's all for today. Thanks for following along!

Lily Puckett8 October 2019 23:18

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