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As it happenedended1486724002

As it happened: Donald Trump elected President of the United States in shock defeat of Hillary Clinton

Former outsider sweeps to decisive victory after winning key battleground states

Donald Trump's victory speech after winning US election

Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States in the biggest shock in the country's electoral history. Here are the things you need to know:

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Donald Trump has been named the shock victor of the US presidential election, pledging to be a "President for all Americans".

In a victory speech in New York, the Republican candidate, vowed to unite the country following a divisive campaign littered with controversies.

“Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division…I say it is time for us to come together as one united people,” he said, as supporters chanted “USA! USA! USA!”.

Amid widespread concern over international tensions following Mr Trump’s comments on countries including China and Russia, he insisted he expected “great relationships” with foreign nations.

“America will no longer settle for anything less than best, - we must reclaim our country’s destiny,” he added. “I want to tell the world community that while we will always put America’s interests first, we will always deal fairly with everyone – all people and all other nations.

“We will seek common ground, not hostility. Partnership, not conflict.”

Hillary Clinton phoned Mr Trump in the early hours of Wednesday morning to concede defeat but made no immediate public comment.

As her loss looked ever more certain, she tweeted: "Whatever happens tonight, thank you for everything."


Justin Carissimo9 November 2016 18:37

Justin Carissimo9 November 2016 18:38

I'm told 'therapy animals' were brought to Capitol Hill this afternoon for DC staffers who were suffering stress after campaign and result.

Robert Nisbet9 November 2016 19:06

Donald Trump's victory met by numb disbelief in South Florida

David Usborne9 November 2016 19:42

When people asked me what I thought was going to happen with Brexit and Trump before the votes I’d always say not to write them off…

Jon Stone9 November 2016 20:05

…that they were a distinct possibility etc. But even though I knew that on an intellectual level, on another more emotional one I didn’t…

Jon Stone9 November 2016 20:06

…deep-down *believe* they would. I only realised that after they both happened and everything felt a bit unreal.

Jon Stone9 November 2016 20:06

Donald Trump is set to take the witness stand as part of fraud hearings into Trump University in just three weeks.

Andrew Griffin9 November 2016 20:07

I don’t normally like to moan about voter turnout but 55% after the horror show carnival of this election is honestly just incredible

Jon Stone9 November 2016 20:23

Tomorrow's @Independent front page #TomorrowsPapersToday To subscribe to the Daily Edition -->……

The Independent9 November 2016 20:32

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