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Trump calls Biden ‘lying machine’ and ‘fact checker’s dream’ as CNN debate looms: Live

Republican preparing for first head-to-head encounter with Joe Biden later this week before CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash

Trump suggests Biden will come to the debate ‘jacked up’ after getting ‘a shot in the a**’

Donald Trump has baselessly claimed that Joe Biden should be thrilled there are no fact-checkers in the first presidential debate of the 2024 election, and branded the president a “lying machine”.

The former president is also being ridiculed after claiming hysterically in a fundraising email to supporters that he was “tortured” at his Georgia arraignment last August while taking the opportunity to sell coffee cups bearing the very same image.

On Tuesday, Judge Juan Merchan, who presided over Trump’s recent New York hush money trial, partially lifted the gag order imposed on the defendant, empowering him to resume attacking key witnesses like Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen.

Meanwhile, sources close to the Republican presidential contender suggested he may name his 2024 running mate ahead of Thursday’s presidential debate, having previously said he would announce who would join him on the GOP ticket at the party’s convention in Milwaukee next month.

Trump and his conservative media allies have continued to suggest in advance that the CNN debate will not be a fair fight, arguing without evidence that moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will be biased and that Biden will be using performance-enhancing medication.


Veepstakes: Usha Vance joins JD Vance for Fox News interview

Oliver O'Connell26 June 2024 14:15

Trump claims he will bring home Evan Gershkovich if reelected as reporter’s trial begins in Russia

Donald Trump has claimed that if he is reelected, illegally detained Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich will be released from Russia before he takes office.

The former president wrote on Truth Social this morning:

EVAN GERSHKOVICH, the young Wall Street Journal reporter who is being harshly detained in Russia as his ESPIONAGE TRIAL is about to begin, will be released prior to my taking office if I WIN the Election on NOVEMBER 5th. Crooked Joe can’t do anything right, although it is likely that he will pay $BILLIONS, which continues a very bad “Biden Precedent,” to get Evan home. I got a record 58 hostages brought home, paying next to nothing. Putin has no respect for Biden - and that’s the way it goes!!! Fear not, Evan, I will get you home soon, and you will be safe while there!!!

Here’s the full story of Gershkovich’s detention in Russia as his sham trial begins:

Closed-door trial of US journalist begins in Russia as case denounced as sham

Mr Gershkovich faces a 20 year sentence if convicted on charges decried as politically motivated

Oliver O'Connell26 June 2024 14:25

Pot calls kettle black

At 6.25am this morning, Donald Trump took to Truth Social for a jaw-dropping moment of projection in which he called Joe Biden a “LYING MACHINE, and a Fact Checker’s DREAM”.

He then suggested: “Maybe we should call him ‘Lyin’ Joe’ in addition to Crooked?”

Here’s the full text:

Crooked Joe Biden’s “Handlers” are loudly and profusely complaining that there will be no Fact Checkers during the Debate on Thursday. Actually, that is just DISINFORMATION - They could not be happier, because there is nobody that’s as loose with the TRUTH as Crooked Joe. From the 51 Fake Intelligence Agents, to Russia, Russia, Russia, to the Fake “Suckers and Losers Story” he created about our beloved Military, to cheating in College and saying he was first in his Law School Class when he was actually LAST, to claiming he marched for Civil Rights, drove trucks, and has a 6.2 Handicap (He can’t hit the Golf Ball 10 yards, but that’s a minor detail!), and so many more falsehoods, the man is a walking LYING MACHINE, and a Fact Checker’s DREAM. Maybe we should call him “Lyin’ Joe” in addition to Crooked?


Oliver O'Connell26 June 2024 14:37

Watch: The last time Trump and Biden faced off

Here’s a look back at the ill-tempered presidential debates of 2020 from IndyTV.

What happened the last time Trump and Biden faced off in 2020?

Donald Trump and Joe Biden are gearing up for their first 2024 Presidential Debate on Thursday 27th June. The last time the two ran against each other in 2020 their debates proved they would not be pulling any punches to get at their opponent. Some iconic quotes from 2020 debates will never be forgotten; such as Trump claiming he "knows more about wind' than his opponent, and the moment Biden finally told Trump to "just shut up!"; this time around viewers are anxious to see what antics Thursday's debate will have.

Oliver O'Connell26 June 2024 14:45

Is Trump immune from criminal prosecution? Supreme Court will soon decide major question

Welcome to the first day of Supreme Court rulings this week.

Here’s Alex Woodward with what you need to know about the big Trump one we’re all waiting on that could come down from the justices today, tomorrow, or Friday...

Is Trump immune from prosecution? Supreme Court will soon decide major question

Court’s decision could have profound consequences for holding presidents accountable for crimes committed in office

Oliver O'Connell26 June 2024 14:55

Watch: JD Vance explains why he had such a dramatic U-turn about Trump

JD Vance, the Hillbilly Elegy author and venture capitalist turned Ohio senator, once said of Donald Trump:

I’m a Never Trump guy.

I never liked him.

My god what an idiot.

He also referred to Trump as “noxious” and “reprehensible” and mulled voting for Hillary Clinton.

Now he’s in the running to be Trump’s running mate and potential vice president. Funny how things work out...

Oliver O'Connell26 June 2024 15:23

Recap: Trump mocked after claiming he was ‘tortured’ in Georgia jail booking after turning himself in voluntarily

Here’s another look at our top story today – the latest utterly ludicrous claim from the Republican’s fundraising arm.

Trump mocked after claiming he was ‘tortured’ in Georgia jail

Republican presidential candidate makes wild claim in latest fundraising email to supporters

Joe Sommerlad26 June 2024 15:30

Watch: Morning Joe mocks Republican idea Biden will be ‘jacked up’ on Mountain Dew

Oliver O'Connell26 June 2024 15:45

C is for Covfefe: The ABCs of Donald Trump

Trump is well-known for many traits: his divisiveness, his glitzy taste in real estate, The Apprentice, his lawsuits, for being the only president to be impeached twice and now his felony conviction.

But perhaps nothing has infiltrated society more than his unique linguistic style.

Whether he’s posting on Truth Social, speaking at a campaign rally or testifying in court, Trump never seems to be at a loss for words — and sometimes, he even makes up new ones.

From uttering gaffes and trash talking opponents to tweeting typos (like “covfefe”) or inventing entire nations (hello “Nambia”), his terminology often becomes iconic.

Here, Kelly Rissman offers a dictionary guide to Trump’s most memorable phrases.

C is for Covfefe: The ABCs of Donald Trump

Trump’s gaffes, typos, and infamous phrases have become a staple of US politics. Kelly Rissman explains what (we think) his most iconic phrases mean

Oliver O'Connell26 June 2024 16:00

Watch: Lincoln Project imagines Trump’s debate prep

Oliver O'Connell26 June 2024 16:30

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