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Biden 2024 news: White House botches question over term length as campaign embraces ‘Dark Brandon’ meme

Democrat posts ‘Let’s Finish the Job’ promo announcing fresh run and attacking GOP populists, warning basic rights are under assault from intolerant conservatives

John Bowden,Joe Sommerlad
Wednesday 26 April 2023 08:58 BST
President Joe Biden confirms 2024 reelection bid

US president Joe Biden has announced his 2024 re-election bid in a new video early on Tuesday morning, exactly four years after he launched his last campaign for the White House.

His “Let’s Finish the Job” promo opens with footage of the events of 6 January 2021 and reaffirms his commitment to fighting for freedom and democracy. It features a pointed attack on “MAGA extremists”, whom Mr Biden warns are hell-bent on cutting social security while offering tax breaks to the wealthy and assaulting abortion rights, LGBT+ values, limiting voting access and banning books.

Mr Biden says “this is our moment” to stand up for the rights of Americans as he urges voters to give him a second term in the White House to “finish the job”.

“Freedom. Personal freedom is fundamental to who we are as Americans,” he says.

“There’s nothing more important, nothing more sacred. That’s been the work of my first term to fight for our democracy, to protect our rights, to make sure that everyone in this country is treated equally and that everyone is given a fair shot at making it.”

At 80, Mr Biden is the oldest candidate in American history to ever make a reelection bid.

Following his announcement, the US is now shaping up to see a rematch of the 2020 presidential election, when Mr Biden beat Mr Trump in the Republican’s quest for a second term.

But, based on recent polls, a 2020 rematch does not appear to be what the American people currently want.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had to clarify a response during her briefing on Tuesday after a reporter asked whether Mr Biden would serve a full eight years if re-elected.

“As you know, we take following the law seriously. So I wanted to be sure that I didn't go into 2024 more than is appropriate under the law. But I can confirm that if re-elected, @POTUS would serve all 8 years,” she said.

The Biden campaign, meanwhile, is embracing the “Dark Brandon” memes popularised around key policy victories for the president.


Trump launches blistering attack on Biden’s America

Donald Trump put out a statement of his own last night pre-empting Biden’s official launch video, which is every bit as hysterical and apocalyptic as you would expect.

Biden’s America, as the 45th president sees it, is a nightmare world of economic collapse riddled with failing banks and corruption, overrun borders, indoctrinated children, “left-wing freaks and zealots”, drug-addicted homeless criminals and weaponised law enforcement , all of which is headed straight for World War III, a fate from which only one man can save it.

I’m sure you can guess who he thinks that might be.

Joe Sommerlad25 April 2023 11:25

Biden to unveil new efforts to protect South Korea from nuclear attack

After all that excitement, the president still has a job to do.

Mr Biden is welcoming South Korean president Yoon Suk Yeol on a state visit this week and is expected to use the celebratory occasion to underline that the US is ready to step up its efforts to deter a North Korean attack on its southern neighbour, according to senior administration officials.

You can read more on that below.

Biden to unveil new efforts to protect S. Korea from nukes

President Joe Biden will use this week’s celebratory state visit by South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol to underscore that the U.S. is ready to step up its efforts to deter a North Korean attack on South Korea

Joe Sommerlad25 April 2023 11:40

Who is running for the presidency in 2024?

With less than two years remaining until US voters will decide who will serve as president of the United States from January 2025 to January 2029, former Republican government officials are starting to jockey for position in the coming fight for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, while at least one prominent Democrat (California governor Gavin Newsom) has reportedly pledged not to challenge President Joe Biden in a Democratic primary.

As the 2024 campaign takes shape, here are the names you need to know.

Who is running for president in 2024?

As the 2024 campaign takes shape, here are the names you need to know

Joe Sommerlad25 April 2023 12:10

Hunter Biden calls for investigation into Marjorie Taylor Greene

Hunter Biden’s lawyer has called for Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene to be investigated for what the president’s son has called “unmoored verbal abuses” such as false accusations of human trafficking, The Washington Post reported.

Abbe Lowell, the lawyer for President Biden’s son, sent a letter to the Office of Congressional Ethics asking for an investigation.

Eric Garcia reports from Washington, DC.

Hunter Biden wants investigation of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ‘unmoored verbal abuse’

Lawyer says Republican congresswoman’s comments are ‘statements false, defamatory, and malicious’

Joe Sommerlad25 April 2023 12:40

Biden expected to tap senior White House adviser to run re-election campaign

The president is expected to tap Julie Chavez Rodriguez, a senior White House adviser, to manage his re-election campaign, according to reports.

Aamer Madhani has more.

Biden expected to tap senior White House adviser to run reelection campaign

President Joe Biden is expected to tap Julie Chavez Rodriguez, a senior White House adviser, to manage his reelection campaign

Joe Sommerlad25 April 2023 13:10

Most Americans don’t want Trump or Biden to run again, poll finds

According to a recent Hart Research poll commissioned by NBC News, significant majorities of Americans would prefer that both Donald Trump and Joe Biden stand down rather than compete for a second term in the Oval Office.

Andrew Feinberg reports on the findings.

Most Americans don’t want Trump or Biden to run again, poll finds

President Joe Biden could announce his 2024 reelection campaign this week

Joe Sommerlad25 April 2023 13:40

How old is Donald Trump and how does his age compare to other US presidents?

When Donald Trump was inaugurated in January 2017, he became the oldest commander-in-chief sworn in at the age of 70 years and 220 days old.

That was surpassed by his successor Joe Biden, who was 78 years and 61 days when he became the country’s 46th president in January 2021.

But depending on who wins the 2024 presidential election, a new record could be set as both Mr Biden and Mr Trump are running for re-election.

Read more.

How old is Donald Trump and how does his age compare to other US presidents?

Former president was oldest ever at his inauguration in 2017 before Biden claimed record

Joe Sommerlad25 April 2023 14:10

Biden singles out Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz in 2024 reelection launch video

President Joe Biden has singled out far-right Republicans Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene in his 2024 reelection video where he warned about the threat of “MAGA extremists” on American democracy and freedom.

The Democratic president, 80, launched his reelection bid on Tuesday morning with the release of a three-minute video poignantly titled “Freedom”. The move to target right-wing Republicans like Mr Gaetz and Ms Greene follows a longer effort by Mr Biden to tie moderate Republicans in DC to the often offensive and politically damaging comments and actions of their hardline peers.

Read more:

Biden singles out Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz in 2024 reelection video

Reelection video features images of MAGA diehards as Biden warns Americans’ rights are under attack

John Bowden25 April 2023 15:14

The not-so-subtle digs in Biden’s 2024 announcement

Joe Biden’s campaign announcement was a preview of the strategy he’ll use against Republicans writ large in 2024, writes The Independent’s Eric Garcia.

One theme ran consistent throughout his 2024 launch on Tuesday: That his party is the party of freedom while the Republican Party poses a threat to personal liberty. Republicans commonly sell themselves as the party of “freedom” and many political action committees, outside groups and conferences use some variation of the word.

Read more:

The not-so-subtle digs in Biden’s 2024 announcement

Joe Biden wants to make ‘MAGA Republicans’ his campaign opponent and paint them as enemies of freedom

John Bowden25 April 2023 15:45

Biden expected to tap senior White House adviser for 2024 campaign

President Joe Biden is expected to tap Julie Chavez Rodriguez, a senior White House adviser, to manage his reelection campaign, according to a person familiar with deliberations on the matter.

The person spoke on condition of anonymity because Chavez Rodriguez’s appointment has not been finalized and Biden has yet to formally launch his reelection campaign. CBS News was first to report that Mr Biden has decided to pick Chavez Rodriguez.

Biden expected to tap senior White House adviser to run reelection campaign

President Joe Biden is expected to tap Julie Chavez Rodriguez, a senior White House adviser, to manage his reelection campaign

John Bowden25 April 2023 16:30

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