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Trump news – live: Obama tells Michigan crowd that 'Joe Biden is my brother, and will make a great president' as Trump campaigns in Pennsylvania

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Harriet Alexander,Tom Embury-Dennis
Saturday 31 October 2020 20:54 GMT
Trump falsely claims doctors 'get more money if someone dies of Covid'

Barack Obama has delivered a passionate endorsement of Joe Biden, telling a crowd in Michigan: “Joe Biden is my brother, and he will be a great president.”

Mr Biden thanked him for his support, telling him he was proud of their eight years together in the White House. It is the first time they have been seen together since January 2017.

“President Obama and I created more jobs in the last three years of our administration than Donald Trump did in the first three years of his,” Mr Biden said.

“Only Donald Trump is going to have fewer jobs at the end of this presidency than when he started it. He’s done nothing but wage war on American labour. We believe you should be rewarding work, not wealth, in this country.”

Donald Trump, meanwhile, has landed in Pennsylvania, where he will have four rallies today in Newton, Reading, Butler and Montoursville.

With only three days left of campaigning both sides are giving it their everything.

Kamala Harris is in Florida, with rallies in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Lake Worth, while Mike Pence is in North Carolina. 


Donald Trump has correctly said that a Gallup survey found that 56% of people felt better off now than they did four years ago. What the US president fails to mention is that Gallup also found the exact same percentage of Americans believe he doesn’t deserve to be re-elected. 

He also in his tweet falsely claims the US is “rounding the turn” on coronavirus. In fact, the US just saw a record one-day increase in coronavirus cases.

Tom Embury-Dennis31 October 2020 15:41

Before boarding Air Force One, Donald Trump says he will spend election night “between the White House and the hotel”, then rails against social distancing measures designed to slow the spread of coronavirus, which is killing up to a thousand Americans every day. 

Tom Embury-Dennis31 October 2020 15:46

Dr Eric Cervini, a Democratic activist, has posted footage showing a pick-up truck in a convoy of Trump supporters who were intimidating a Biden campaign bus shoving another car while driving down a highway. 

An event for Biden supporters in Texas reportedly had to be cancelled due to harassment by the same protestors. 

Tom Embury-Dennis31 October 2020 16:02

Joe Biden laughs off Trump’s repeated jibes that he is campaigning from his basement

Harriet Alexander31 October 2020 16:22

Vice president and wannabe vice president hard at work

Mike Pence is in North Carolina today, with two rallies at airfields.

Mr Pence will host 'Make America Great Again' rallies in Elm City at 11:30am, and Elizabeth City at 1:30pm.

Kamala Harris is in Florida, and will host three rallies - one in Miami, one in Fort Lauderdale, and one at Lake Worth.

Harriet Alexander31 October 2020 16:41

Kamala Harris - and her shoes - on stage in Miami

Kamala Harris on stage in Miami
Kamala Harris on stage in Miami (Getty Images)
Harris in Florida
Harris in Florida (Getty Images)
Supporters of Kamala Harris in their cars in Miami
Supporters of Kamala Harris in their cars in Miami (Getty Images)
Harriet Alexander31 October 2020 17:00

Donald Trump is on stage and he sounds… exhausted

Is the campaign trail taking its toll?

The president is in Pennsylvania, and he sounds remarkably subdued and a little hoarse.

He tells his supporters he has fought them like no one ever before.

Harriet Alexander31 October 2020 17:11

Barack Obama and Joe Biden to campaigned together in Michigan on Saturday

Saturday's rally marks the first time the two men have been side by side since Mr Biden launched his presidential run.

The Flint rally will be followed by an event in Detroit later in the day. Stevie Wonder will perform at the event in Detroit, designed to inspire and fire up Black American voters, who Mr Biden will need if he is to carry the state.

In 2016, the counties that include Flint and Detroit saw a significant drop in turnout, MI Live reported. 

The overall Black voter turnout that year decreased for the first time in 20 years, according to the Pew Research Center.

A New York Times/Siena College poll released this week showed Mr Biden up eight percentage points in Michigan.

Harriet Alexander31 October 2020 17:38

Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, Trump seems out of sorts…

Harriet Alexander31 October 2020 17:40

Melania Trump calls for an end to politicization of the pandemic

The first lady is on the campaign trail in Wisconsin.

She is attacking the Democrats for politicizing coronavirus, and tells the audience the US needs unity.

She says:

Shame on anyone who casts doubt on the potential effectiveness of a vaccine, just because it would come under my husband’s presidency.

This administration has worked tirelessly to support families and those struggling due to the pandemic.

Such selfish, politically-motivated decisions are what separate the swamp from my husband.

He has done so much already — imagine what he will get done in four more years.

Joe Biden said it will be a dark winter. That is not the statement of a leader. He wants to make us hide in a basement.

This administration choses to keep us moving forward during the pandemic.

Harriet Alexander31 October 2020 17:50

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