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Trump news: President calls out ‘Barack Hussain Obama’ as supporter at Florida rally appears to make ‘white power’ symbol

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Donald Trump calls India's air "filthy"

Donald Trump returned to the campaign trail on Friday with a rally targeting senior voters at The Villages retirement community in Florida.

Trump made eyebrow-raising claims like Biden taking away seniors' air conditioning and remembering Barack Hussain Obama, as a member of the crowd appeared to make the so-called "white power" dog whistle in the background.

Biden, meanwhile, returned to his home state of Delaware to outline his coronavirus pandemic plan a day after the US hit a record for the number of new Covid-19 cases, announcing a mask mandate on all interstate transportation and in all federal buildings.

The candidates were coming off their final in-person debate, which turned out to be a remarkably civil affair with lower ratings than their previous encounter.

Trump was also back to work in the White House to announce an historic peace deal between Israel and Sudan, with five more - including Saudi Arabia - expected to be announced after the dam broke with United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in recent weeks.

Trump tried to get Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to attack Biden on a phone call in front of reporters. Bibi did not take the bait, with commentators noting that he is probably keeping a keen eye on the current polling numbers.

Veteran GOP pollster Frank Luntz said that Trump may have won the battle of the last debate, but Biden has won the war. He says it's "impossible" for the president turning around voter sentiment this late in the election cycle.

Trump is also up against a campaign that has broken all records for its spend on television and digital advertising in a presidential election, with still more than a week to go before polls close.  

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Biden throws Obama under the bus on criticized immigration policy

“It made a mistake, it took too long to get it right,” Biden says, before talking about how he’ll get it right on his next attempt. “I’ll be president of the United States not vice president of the United States.”

Justin Vallejo23 October 2020 03:06

Trump is pressing Biden on 1994 crime bill

While claiming no president other than Abraham Lincoln has done more for the black community.

Justin Vallejo23 October 2020 03:12

Biden says he never called black criminals ‘super predators’

“I never ever said what he accused me of saying,” Biden says of Trump’s “super predator” charge.

Justin Vallejo23 October 2020 03:14

Trump brings up Hunter Biden’s ‘laptop from hell’

Biden says smear campaign is a Russian “plant”.

Justin Vallejo23 October 2020 03:16

‘I am the least racist person in this room,’ Trump says

Pressed on race relations, Trump said the first time I ever heard of Black Lives Matter, they were yelling ‘pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon.

“I am the least racist person in this room,’ Trump says. “I don’t care who’s in the audience I’m least racist person in the room.”

Justin Vallejo23 October 2020 03:18

Frank Luntz focus group says moderator is the winner, getting frustrated with Biden’s lack of details

Justin Vallejo23 October 2020 03:20

‘It’s all talk no action with these politicians’, Trump says

Trump is continuing to hammer Biden on his 47-year record in government.

“Why didn’t you do it in the eight years, a short time ago,” Trump says. “You put tens of thousands of mostly black young men in prision.”

Seemingly conceding to Trump’s framing and premise, Biden responded: “Because we had a Republican congress. That’s the answer.”

Justin Vallejo23 October 2020 03:23

And we’re now onto climate change

Trump says the US has the best carbon emissions in 35 years – but look at Russia, China and India.

He’s calling the Paris Accords “so unfair”.

“We have done an incredible job environmentally,” Trump says. “And we haven’t destroyed our industries.”

Justin Vallejo23 October 2020 03:24

Biden multi-tasking to tweet during debate?


Justin Vallejo23 October 2020 03:27

Climate change an existential crisis we have a moral duty to address, Biden says

“The future lies in us being able to breathe,” Biden says. “The fastest-growing industry in America are the electric, excuse me, solar energy and wind.”  

He added: “We can grow and we can be cleaner if we go the route I’m proposing.”

Justin Vallejo23 October 2020 03:28

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