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Trump news: Cohen claims president said black people were ‘too stupid to vote’ for him as polls show RNC convention failed to give him election bump

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Kate Ng,Danielle Zoellner
Sunday 06 September 2020 21:55 BST
President Donald Trump prepares to sign four executive orders during a news conference at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster
President Donald Trump prepares to sign four executive orders during a news conference at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster (AP)

Michael Cohen’s memoir, due to be published next week, alleges that Donald Trump described Nelson Mandela as a poor leader who “f***ed the whole country up” and said countries run by black leaders are “all complete f***ing toilets”.

Other allegations in the memoir include Cohen saying Mr Trump ogled at his 15-year-old daughter and the pair visited a Las Vegas strip club in 2013 that involved performers urinating on other people. 

Cohen also claimed that the president said black people were “too stupid to vote” for him. 

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in a statement: "“Michael Cohen is a disgraced felon and disbarred lawyer, who lied to Congress. He has lost all credibility, and it’s unsurprising to see his latest attempt to profit off of lies.”

In other news, the editor-in-chief of The Atlantic has defended his publication’s piece about Mr Trump allegedly calling fallen war heroes “suckers” and “losers”. The editor defended his publication’s use of anonymous sources and said more information would probably come out in the coming days about the president. 

Mr Trump and the White House have denied the report, which claimed that the president refused to visit a cemetery of fallen war heroes because they were “suckers” and “losers”. 

In one tweet shared on Sunday, Mr Trump accused Democrats and the media of launching a “disinformation campaign” against him over the report. 

Besides tweeting, the president has spent his Labour Day holiday weekend golfing, as he visited his Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia, both on Saturday and Sunday. 


2020 polls: No 'Trump bump' post-convention as Joe Biden solidifies lead with few voters left undecided

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden continued to lead Donald Trump in every major national poll that emerged this past week, despite prognostications from elections experts that the president would receive a post-convention "bump" in his support numbers.

Less than two months before the 3 November election, most Americans appear unflinching about their views on who should be their next president.

In the latest national poll from CNN, the Democratic ticket of Mr Biden and Kamala Harris led the Republican ticket of Mr Trump and Mike Pence by 8 percentage points, 51-43.

Griffin Connolly reports: 

No ‘Trump bump’ post-convention as most Americans know who they’ll vote for in November: polls

President claws back support in Philadelphia suburbs, a hopeful sign for his re-election campaign

Danielle Zoellner6 September 2020 21:40

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