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Trump-Kanye West meeting: Rapper rants and swears at surreal White House lunch on day president signs 'historic' music bill

Rapper hugs Donald Trump while wearing a 'Make America Great Again' hat

Chris Riotta
New York
,Chris Stevenson
Thursday 11 October 2018 02:58 BST
Donald Trump meets with Kanye West and former American Footballer Jim Brown at the White House

Kanye West has launched into an expletive-filled rant touching on everything from prison reform to how Donald Trump makes him feel like “Superman” as part of a surreal meeting in the White House.

West, who lavished praise on the president ahead of a planned lunch, launched into a near 10-minute monologue that Mr Trump called “quite something”.

Referring the Make America Great Again hat he was wearing while sat across from Mr Trump in the Oval Office he said that it felt like it gave him “power”.

“There was something about putting this hat on that made me feel like Superman,” West said, as part of the speech that spanned topics from his mental health - saying he did not have dipolar disorder, but was merely “sleep deprived” - and violence in Chicago.

The rapper has been criticised over his for his support for Mr Trump, including after a recent appearance on NBC's Saturday Night Live.

“People expect that if you're black you have to be Democrat,” he said. “What I need Saturday Night Live to improve on, what I need the liberals to improve on: if he don't look good, we don't look good,” West said, gesturing at Mr Trump.

Taking out his phone, he showed the president an image of a hydrogen-powered plane and suggested the president should use the design for Air Force One.

West also said he would like Mr Trump to ditch talk about persuading police in Chicago to institute “stop and frisk” policies to crack down on crime and violence.

“I didn't mean to put you on the (spot), bro,” West told Mr Trump, who said “I'm open to everything” about the subject, adding that West could speak for him “any time” as he was a “smart cookie”.

West also said the president is on a “hero's journey.”

“Let's stop worrying about the future, all we have is today,” the music star said, commenting on his own presidential ambitions. “Trump is on his hero's journey right now. He might not have thought he'd have a crazy mother-f***** like me [supporting him].”

Asked if he saw West as a potential presidential candidate Mr Trump said “could very well be” with West adding “only after 2024” - the end of a potential second White House term for Mr Trump.

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Over lunch, according to White House spokesman Hogan Gidley, Mr Trump and his guests - which include former NFL running back Jim Brown and White House advisors Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump - would discuss potential future pardons for convicts along with “addressing the massive violent crime surge in Chicago” and efforts to create jobs for black Americans.

Kim Kardashian-West, who is married to the rapper, had previously raised the issue of pardons in a White House meeting of her own.

Before leaving the Oval Office for the lunch of roast chicken and potatoes West stood up and gave Mr Trump a hug, saying: “I love this man”.

If you want to read how the meeting unfolded, please see what was our live coverage below.

Please allow a moment for the liveblog to load.


Prison reform is one of the main topics that West wants to discuss with the president over lunch - here is what he said on the topic in the Oval Office.

Chris Stevenson11 October 2018 20:19

Kanye West suggested the president should look into possibly pardoning Larry Hoover, the founder of a Chicago street gang currently serving a life sentence as well as a 150-200 year sentence for a 1973 murder. 

Chris Riotta11 October 2018 20:41

Here are six of the most bizarre moments from Donald Trump and Kanye West's White House press conference. 

Chris Riotta11 October 2018 20:43

Here’s how MSNBC’s Stephanie Rhule and Ali Velshi immediately responded to Kanye West’s meeting with Donald Trump at the White House — in GIF form. 

Chris Riotta11 October 2018 20:50

Kanye West defended the 2nd Amendment and guns rights, saying “The problem is illegal guns.”

He added, “Illegal guns is the problem, not legal guns. We have the right to bear arms.”

Chris Riotta11 October 2018 20:55

That's all for The Independent's coverage on the surreal White House meeting between Kanye West and Donald Trump. 

Read our analysis of the six most bizarre moments from the event below. 

Chris Riotta11 October 2018 21:00

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