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Jeffrey Epstein relationship details revealed in Ghislaine Maxwell unsealed court documents

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Jon Sharman
Friday 23 October 2020 02:04 BST
Ghislaine Maxwell's 2016 defamation deposition has been unsealed
Ghislaine Maxwell's 2016 defamation deposition has been unsealed ((Getty Images))

Court documents detailing Ghislaine Maxwell’s relationship with Jeffrey Epstein have been unsealed and are now public.

They date from a 2016 deposition in a defamation lawsuit brough by Virginia Giuffre, who alleges Epstein sexually abused her as a teenager with help from Ms Maxwell.

The documents form part of US prosecutors’ case against the 58-year-old socialite, who is accused of - and denies - helping Epstein recruit and groom underage girls as young as 14 to engage in illegal sexual acts in the mid-1990s, as well as perjury.

The documents show that Ms Maxwell was questioned persistently about whether she recruited underage girls to massage Epstein, or whether she saw them around his Palm Beach home.

She denied this was the case and the exchanges grew quite heated. Her lawyer, Jeffrey Pagliuci, batted away questions about whether she herself ever gave Epstein massages, telling her interrogator that consensual acts between adults were “frankly, none of your business”.


Maxwell calls Giuffre a "serial liar" and insists she did not introduce Epstein to the redacted individual

Ms Maxwell is asked if she ever flew an individual whose name is redacted on her helicopter. She calls it "another one of Virginia's lies," suggesting the individual in question has some connection to Ms Giuffre.  

She is then asked if she ever flew on a plane with Epstein and the redacted individual. The interrogator asks if Ms Giuffre was working for Epstein at the time.  

"I don't know that Virginia ever did work for Jeffrey. I don't exactly know if she testified to her so-called duties, we know she is a serial liar so I can't testify to what she did or didn't do," Ms Maxwell replies.  

Later, Ms Maxwell is asked how long she has known the redacted individual. She says she can not recall, but she says it's "so long, it's a really long time ago."  

When asked if she was the one who introduced the redacted individual - gendered "him" - to Epstein, she again calls them lies.  

"That would be another of Virginia's lies and the lies you perpetrate. I never introduced [redacted] to Jeffrey Epstein at any time ever, so just add that to the long list of lies," she said. 

Graig Graziosi22 October 2020 18:30

Maxwell says she has "no recollection" of London trip with Giuffre, Epstein and the redacted individual

The interrogator asks Ms Maxwell if she recalls taking a trip to London with Ms Giuffre and Epstein, where she purchased an outfit for Ms Guiffre in anticipation of her meeting with the redacted individual.  

The interrogator asks if Ms Maxwell and Epstein took Ms Giuffre to a location in London to meet the redacted individual.  

Ms Maxwell denies having any recollection of any of the events she is asked about.  

Later, Ms Maxwell is directed to a piece of evidence in the form of a photograph and is asked if the photo was taken at her London town house. She says she does not know, but when asked if it looks like her house, she says it is "familiar."

"I have no idea when this picture was taken. I know what she purports it to be but I'm not going to say that I do," Ms Maxwell says of the photo.  

Based on context within the deposition, Ms Maxwell is likely referring to a photo of Prince Andrew, herself and Ms Giuffre in 2001. Prince Andrew has his arm around Ms Giuffre in the photo, which has been widely circulated since at least 2011.

Graig Graziosi22 October 2020 18:59

Maxwell claims there were no girls on Little St. James island, directly denies arranging sex for Epstein

When asked about Epstein's island, Little Saint James, Ms Maxwell says she has visited, and that she once travelled there with the redacted individual.  

When asked if there were any girls under the age of 18 on the island that were not family, friends, or daughters of her friends, Ms Maxwell denies that there were any girls on the island.  

"There were no girls on the island at all. No girls, no women, other than the staff who work at the house. Girls meaning, I assume you are asking underage, but there was nobody female outside of the cooks and the cleaners," she said.  

She is then asked if she ever arranged for Ms Giuffre to have sex with the redacted individual.  

"Just for the record, I have never at any time, at any place, in any moment, ever asked Virginia Roberts or whatever she is called now, to have sex with anybody," Ms Maxwell says.

Graig Graziosi22 October 2020 19:06

Maxwell refuses to admit she is mentioned in the Epstein flight logs

Ms Maxwell is presented with the flight logs tracking Mr Epstein's private plane. The initials GM appear on numerous flights alongside the initials JE, and she is asked if those initials suggest she was on the flight.  

Ms Maxwell admits she flew frequently with Epstein, but said she can not be sure if the GM is referencing her or some other individual with the initials "GM."  

When asked if there was any other individual she could identify with the initials GM who flew as extensively with Epstein as the flight records suggest, she said she could not recall anyone.  

At one point she is asked about a specific flight she was on with a redacted individual, and indicates the flight was to Russia. She said she did not recall going to Russia.  

Later, Ms Maxwell - when asked directly about Ms Giuffre's presence on a specific flight - reasserts that she does not "recall Virginia on any of these flights."

Graig Graziosi22 October 2020 19:24

"An absolute, flat out lie:" Maxwell covers for the redacted individual

Maxwell insists that the redacted person was never on Epstein's island, Little Saint James, and says she is unaware of any instances in which the redacted individual ever visited Epstein at his home.  

"Categorically, definitively, absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, when I was present or any other time that I am aware of, was [redacted] ever on that island. I do not believe he went to that island ever, ever, that is an absolute fabrication and an absolute, flat out lie," she says.

Graig Graziosi22 October 2020 19:41

Maxwell says Giuffre is lying about Bill Clinton visiting Little Saint James while she was there

Ms Maxwell says that Ms Giuffre is "totally lying" about former President Bill Clinton visiting Epstein's island, Little Saint James, while she was on the island.  

"Again, Virginia is absolutely, totally lying. This is a subject of defamation about Virginia and the lies she has told and one of the lies she told was that President Clinton was on the island where I was present," Ms Maxwell says. "Absolutely 1,000 per cent that is a flat out total fabrication and lie."  

She did admit to flying on Epstein's private plane with Mr Clinton.  

When pressed on the nature of Epstein and Mr Clinton's relationship, she said she "couldn't categorize" them as "friends."

Graig Graziosi22 October 2020 19:55

Maxwell admits Epstein had fold out bed on his plane, but says she did not see him having sex with Giuffre on the plane

When asked if she has ever seen Epstein engage in sex acts with Ms Giuffre or a redacted third individual on his plane, Ms Maxwell says she has not.  

Then, when shes asked if Epstein had a fold out bed, she says he did.  

"There was a bed on one of his planes that folded out, yes" she said.

Graig Graziosi22 October 2020 20:10

Maxwell denies seeing actress Nadia Bjorlin on Epstein's airplane

When asked if she recalls actress Nadia Bjorlin flying on Epstein's plane, Ms Maxwell denies any knowledge of her on the flight.  

"What is your recollection, do you recollect Nadia traveling often on flights with Jeffrey?" the interrogator asks.  

"Absolutely not. No, not at all. I don't recollect her actually on the flight at all," Ms Maxwell says.  

Ms Bjorlin's mother claimed that Epstein gave her daughter his phone number when she was 13 years old after seeing her preform at a music camp.

Graig Graziosi22 October 2020 20:38

Maxwell denies she took a message from a 15 year old girl, despite her name being on the message

The interrogator presents Ms Maxwell with a message pad used by individuals at Epstein's home to record messages. She is directed to a particular message left by an individual who is unnamed but who is described as a 15 year old girl. Ms Maxwell's name appears on the message, suggesting she took the message.  

The individual who took the message - which the paper suggests is Ms Maxwell - wrote that "[redacted] is available on Tuesday, no one for tomorrow."

Ms Maxwell denies taking the message and insists that the handwriting is not hers. When asked if she knows who the redacted individual is, she says she doesn't know who she is.

"Your name is on the message," the interrogator replies.  

"I didn't put it there and I don't know what it's doing there," Ms Maxwell says.

Graig Graziosi22 October 2020 21:00

Deposition details calls from minors to Epstein's house

The interrogator asks Ms Maxwell to explain a number of messages left at Epstein's house that left by individuals who were identified as minors by police.  

In one message, the caller leaves a message for Epstein saying "I have a female for him."  

"Do you know why a minor child would be calling Jeffrey and leaving a message to say, quote, I have a female for him?" the interrogator asked.  

Ms Maxwell said she knew nothing about it.  

The interrogator then points Ms Maxwell's attention to another message, which was left by a 13 year old girl. He asks if Ms Maxwell knows who she is. Ms Maxwell says she does not.  

"Would Jeffrey regularly have 13 year olds call and leave messages," the interrogator asks.  

Ms Maxwell claims she was not at the house and could not possible know about the messages or the ages of the individuals leaving them. 

On the final page of the message pad, a message that appears to be coded is left regarding a young Russian girl. 

"He has a teacher for you to teach you how to speak Russian. She is two times eight years old. Not blond. Lessons are free and you can have your first today if you call," the message read. 

The interrogator asks Ms Maxwell if she was ever aware of any 16 year old Russian girls visiting Epstein’s house. She denied having any knowledge. 

Graig Graziosi22 October 2020 21:15

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