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Chad Daybell trial live: New witness casts doubts on cult prophet’s son’s story about mom’s death

Chad Daybell’s trial began on April 1, about a year after Lori Vallow was convicted in the 2019 murders of Tylee Ryan, JJ Vallow, and Tammy Daybell

Andrea Cavallier
Friday 24 May 2024 13:18 BST
Chad Daybell’s daughter testifies in his murder trial

A new rebuttal witness for the prosecution testified that Chad Daybell’s son Garth had told him how he found his dead mother Tammy Daybell, which is different from what Garth told the court at his father’s triple murder trial earlier this week.

Shortly after the defense rested on Thursday, Jason Abegelen, who worked with Garth at a haunted house, recalled that Garth told him how he found his mother dead in the bedroom and that his father was not there.

But Garth had testified that in the early morning hours of October 19, 2019, his father woke him up to help after finding the mother-of-five dead and halfway off the bed on the floor, tangled up in sheets.

Daybell, 55, is on trial for the death of Tammy, and the murders of Lori Vallow’s two children, Tylee Ryan, 16, and JJ Vallow, seven. Two weeks after Tammy’s death, Daybell and Vallow married on a beach in Hawaii.

It was only after the children were reported missing – and authorities began delving into the couple’s bizarre cult beliefs – that questions were asked about Tammy’s death and her body was exhumed for an autopsy. It was determined she had died of asphyxia and Daybell was charged with her murder, as well as the murders of Vallow’s children, who were found buried in Daybell’s Idaho backyard nine months after they went missing.

Prosecutors say Daybell and Vallow justified the three killings by creating an apocalyptic belief system, which was part of an elaborate scheme to eliminate any obstacles from their life.

But Daybell’s attorney claims he was manipulated by Vallow, who was convicted of the murders last year and received three life sentences.

Like Vallow, Daybell did not testify in his defense.

Closing arguments are expected to be next week and then the case will be in the hands of the jury.

If convicted, Daybell faces the death penalty or life in prison.


‘I was told the children were in a safe place’

After the morning break, Emma returns to the stand.

She is asked by Daybell’s attorney about the family traveling to California - and Lori Vallow traveling separately to California to join them.

When Prior asks if the location of Vallow’s missing children Tylee and JJ was discussed at that time, she responds: “From my understanding, I was told that the children were in a safe place.”

Andrea Cavallier20 May 2024 17:34

State questions Daybell’s daughter on cross-examination

Prosecuting attorney Lindsey Blake is questioning defense witness Emma Murray on the stand.

She’s attempting to poke holes in Emma’s testimony about her mother’s health and her knowledge of the missing children.

Andrea Cavallier20 May 2024 17:56

EARLIER: Crowds line up outside courthouse to hear defense in Chad Daybell’s trial

Andrea Cavallier20 May 2024 18:02

Chad Daybell’s daughter says he taught her about death percentages and castings – but not zombies

Emma Murray says her dad taught her about death percentages and castings – but not zombies.

“Are you still alive?” Attorney Blake asks.

Emma responds, “Yes.”

Ms Blake asks if when her dad taught her about castings, he told her anything about the body having to be destroyed or had to die. Emma says no.

She said her dad never talked to her about Alex Cox and also never talks to her about Lori Vallow before Tammy died.

Andrea Cavallier20 May 2024 18:14

‘He doesn’t like dogs’

The defense asked Emma about the pets and others animals buried in the pet cemetery – something her mother Tammy took care of. He pointed out that it would be unusual for Daybell to be tending to it.

Prior also asks Emma if her father owned a dog, a question that sparked conversation on social media, with many commenting Daybell’s dislike for dogs is a “red flag”

“My father did not own a dog,” she said. “He doesn’t like dogs.”

Andrea Cavallier20 May 2024 18:23

Chad Daybell’s son Garth takes the stand

The next witness for the defense is Chad Daybell’s son Garth Daybell.

Like with Emma, attorney Prior tells Garth to let him know if he needs to take a break.

Andrea Cavallier20 May 2024 18:44

Garth Daybell admits he’s nervous after switching details in testimony

Garth’s testimony begins with Prior asking about who drove the Dodge Dakota prior to 2017. Garth said it was his father and said after 2017, his mother Tammy was the driver. But Garth then stopped himself and said he had it backwards.

Garth started over with Prior’s encouragement and said that at the time of his mother’s death, his dad was driving the Dodge Dakota.

When Prior asks Garth if he’s nervous, he says he is and considers himself pretty shy.

Andrea Cavallier20 May 2024 18:51

Court on lunch break

Court will be in recess for lunch until 3pm ET/ 1pm MT

Andrea Cavallier20 May 2024 18:55

Garth Daybell testifies about finding mother’s body

Chad Daybell’s son Garth testified about the day his mother Tammy Daybell died.

Tammy told him: “I don’t feel good today. I don’t want to cook. Can you go get some McDonald’s for us?”

So Garth drove to Rexburg, Idaho and picked up food for himself, mom and dad. It was Tammy’s last meal.

He left for a night job and when he returned around 1am, he went to bed and stayed up until 3am watching YouTube.

“As I passed their bedroom, I heard my father snoring,” he said.

He said he didn’t see any sign of a struggle or fight - as far as he knew, it was a normal night.

Garth was awakened a few hours later by his dad saying, “Garth, Garth get up. I need help.”

When Garth got to the bedroom, he saw his mother had rolled out of bed and her feet were tangled in the sheets. He got her back into bed and said she felt stiff.

“I felt she was cold and stiff and gray. I realized she had been not breathing.”

He said if there had been a struggle or fight, he would have heard it. He says he heard nothing.

Andrea Cavallier20 May 2024 20:27

Court dismisses for the day

Court is over for the day.

Testimony will continue tomorrow at 10:30am ET/ 8:30am MT.

Andrea Cavallier20 May 2024 22:35

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