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Canada convoy: Truckers ban media as Trudeau refuses meeting and calls protest an ‘insult to truth’

Canadian truckers convoy protest continues

Ottawa mayor condemns desecration of National War Memorial, Terry Fox statue

As the truckers’ convoy that descended on Ottawa a few days ago shows no sign of departing, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced he has tested positive for Covid-19.

“This morning, I tested positive for Covid-19,” he tweeted. “I’m feeling fine – and I’ll continue to work remotely this week while following public health guidelines. Everyone, please get vaccinated and get boosted.”

On Monday, in an address to the nation, Mr Trudeau said Canadians were disgusted by the behaviour of some of the protesters.

“We are not intimidated by those who hurl abuse at small business workers and steal food from the homeless,” he said. “We won’t give in to those who fly racist flags. We won’t cave to those who engage in vandalism.”

Ottawa police say the number of protestors and vehicles has significantly reduced in the past 12 hours and there have been no deaths or injuries reported.

They have launched multiple investigations into the ‘desecration’ of monuments by the Freedom Convoy protesters, of hate crimes, and of other illegal behaviour. A hotline is being set up for residents to report any incidents to the authorities.


‘They deserve to be heard and they deserve respect'

Candice Bergen, deputy leader of Canada’s Conservative Party has been voicing her support for the convoy protest for the past week.

On Twitter today she wrote: “Here are some Manitobans I met and talked with last night. These were the ‘unacceptable views’ they were expressing: they and millions like them have had enough of the lockdowns and broken promises. They deserve to be heard and they deserve respect.”

Oliver O'Connell31 January 2022 19:31

Individual’s ‘reprehensible acts’ do not represent lawful truckers, says Poilievre

Conservative politician for the Ottawa region Pierre Poilievre responded to reports of confederate and Nazi flags being flown at the protest.

He said: “People flying evil confederate or Nazi flags or disrespecting monuments are individually responsible for reprehensible acts. They do not represent the thousands of lawful truckers who are actually part of the protest and are peacefully championing their livelihoods and freedoms.”

Oliver O'Connell31 January 2022 19:55

Politicians clash over trucker support

Mr Poilievre clashed with former environment minister Catherine McKenna for accusing him of standing with the aforementioned Swastikas and confederate flags. The conservative politician called her a liar and referenced photographs of a young Prime Minister Trudeau dressed in racist costumes.

Oliver O'Connell31 January 2022 20:22

Investigation launched after protestor filmed dancing on war memorial

Ottawa police have launched a criminal investigation into the incident of protestors climbing atop a cenotaph and dancing on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier among other violent acts seen during the protest against Covid-19 vaccine mandates and safety protocols, officials said on Sunday.

“Several criminal investigations are underway in relation to the desecration of the National War Memorial/Terry Fox statue, threatening/illegal/intimidating behaviour to police/city workers and other individuals and damage to a city vehicle,” the Ottawa police said on Twitter.

Arpan Rai reports.

Police probe Canada trucker convoy member seen dancing on tomb of unknown soldier

Several criminal investigations are underway in relation to the desecration, officials say

Oliver O'Connell31 January 2022 20:47

Voices: Canadian truckers have every right to protest, but that doesn’t stop them being wrong

Sean O’Grady writes:

Is Canada about to have its “6 January Capitol riot” moment? Obviously not, because it’s Canada. And also because even America’s “6 January” moment, though an attempted insurrection of unprecedented kind, didn’t actually overthrow the government of the United States, as we see. It was embarrassing, unlawful, and a mad, pitiful attempt at revolution, but it was never going to succeed (you’d hope). Nor will this.

The Canadian truckers have got this one wrong | Sean O’Grady

The ridiculous idea is being put around that big mass meetings such as this one prove that the majority of the people approve of the cause

Oliver O'Connell31 January 2022 21:10

Ottawa mayor says it is time for protestors to go home

In a live media availability session, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson says the protests have been incredibly disruptive and continue to impact the safety and well-being of residents.

“People have had the opportunity to voice their frustration at government policy, but as the old saying goes, they have worn out their welcome,” says Mr Watson.

“It is time for them to go back to their communities, work with their local members of parliament … to address their grievances. It is time for them to leave the downtown core. It has been very disruptive for residents and small businesses and the safety of the overall community.”

Mr Watson notes that the desecration of monuments and displays of hate symbols such as the swastika and confederate flag are just some of the incidents of bad behaviour seen over the past few days that have taken away the freedom of residents to live without fear.

Oliver O'Connell31 January 2022 21:36

Police investigating a number of hate incidents

Ottawa Police Chief Sloly says that even with the heavy gridlocked traffic there were no denial of service or significant delays to ambulances.

He adds that the force is investigating a number of hate incidents related to the protest — a hotline is being set up for people to report anything criminal or otherwise to the police.

Mr Sloly adds that if people have come here and caused any kind of trouble, they will be found, charged and prosecuted as necessary.

He notes that the crowds and protest activity has lessened significantly in the past 12 hours.

Oliver O'Connell31 January 2022 21:58

How many people attended the protest?

Ottawa Police Chief Sloly says it is difficult to estimate the size of the crowds but he’s heard numbers ranging from 5,000 to 18,000 at the height of the protests on Saturday. He reiterates that hundreds of vehicles have now left the city.

Oliver O'Connell31 January 2022 22:10

ICYMI: Elon Musk appears to back truckers

Barring the unlikely event that Mr Musk’s tweet was simply a coincidental celebration of Canada’s cargo hauling community, the tweet appears to be an endorsement of the drivers’ anti-vaccine mandate positions.

Graig Graziosi reports.

Oliver O'Connell31 January 2022 22:30

Ottawa Police: No injuries or deaths reported

No injuries or deaths have been reported as a result of the truck convoy events over the weekend, Ottawa police chief Peter Sloly confirmed.

Oliver O'Connell31 January 2022 22:58

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