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As it happenedended1643674484

Canada convoy: Truckers ban media as Trudeau refuses meeting and calls protest an ‘insult to truth’

Canadian truckers convoy protest continues

Ottawa mayor condemns desecration of National War Memorial, Terry Fox statue

As the truckers’ convoy that descended on Ottawa a few days ago shows no sign of departing, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced he has tested positive for Covid-19.

“This morning, I tested positive for Covid-19,” he tweeted. “I’m feeling fine – and I’ll continue to work remotely this week while following public health guidelines. Everyone, please get vaccinated and get boosted.”

On Monday, in an address to the nation, Mr Trudeau said Canadians were disgusted by the behaviour of some of the protesters.

“We are not intimidated by those who hurl abuse at small business workers and steal food from the homeless,” he said. “We won’t give in to those who fly racist flags. We won’t cave to those who engage in vandalism.”

Ottawa police say the number of protestors and vehicles has significantly reduced in the past 12 hours and there have been no deaths or injuries reported.

They have launched multiple investigations into the ‘desecration’ of monuments by the Freedom Convoy protesters, of hate crimes, and of other illegal behaviour. A hotline is being set up for residents to report any incidents to the authorities.


Updates from Ottawa Police: “Please adjust your plans in the downtown core"

The Ottawa Police last night sketched out what they expect to happen in the city’s downtown core today and this week, reassuring people that efforts to “de-escalate” the demonstration remain underway...but that they should still be vigilant in the name of public safety.

Andrew Naughtie31 January 2022 09:15

Catch up: Why are truckers protesting in Ottawa?

If you’re only just tuning in to the events unfolding in Ottawa, The Independent’s Joe Sommerlad has this explainer.

Why Canadian truckers are driving cross-country to protest vaccine mandates

Lorry drivers dimissed as ‘small fringe minority’ by Justin Trudeau undertake epic journey to demonstrate against loss of federal exemption from inoculation rules

Andrew Naughtie31 January 2022 10:01

Right-wing tweeters celebrate atmosphere in Ottawa

As the truckers honk their horns and disrupt life for Ottawa citizens with their anti-mandate protest, sympathetic outlets and users are sharing video of the atmosphere around the rally in the downtown area last night.

Andrew Naughtie31 January 2022 10:45

Complaints from a soup kitchen about harassment

The Shepherds of Good Hope homelessness charity last night tweeted about the protest’s effect on its staff, pointing out that trucks were parked in their ambulance drop off zone for nearly 12 hours before being towed.

Andrew Naughtie31 January 2022 11:34

Police probe incident at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Ottawa police are investigating an incident where several members of the truckers’ protest were seen climbing on a cenotaph and dancing on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Andrew Naughtie31 January 2022 12:15

Organisers call for hundreds of ‘maskless shoppers’ as protest continues

According to a roundup from CTV News, police are anticipating at least a further 24 hours of disruption to daily live in downtown Ottawa after one organizer yesterday told a crowd that “We are not leaving until you can open up your businesses, we are not leaving until you can hug your best friend, we are not leaving until you can go see your parents in a long-term care facility, and for your children to have a birthday party. This ends now, and we're going to do it peacefully.”

Other plans being considered by protest leaders include organised “maskless shopping”, for which they have called for “about 1,000 people... maybe more”. The arrival of scores of unmasked people closed the CF Rideau shopping centre all weekend.

Andrew Naughtie31 January 2022 12:50

Satellite images show size of weekend’s protest

Aerial footage has given a new sense of the scale of what the assembly in Ottawa over the weekend, which saw the city beset by traffic delays and incessant honking as well as organised violations of Covid-19 rules.

Andrew Naughtie31 January 2022 13:20

Truckers’ civil rights comparisons make onlookers “sick”

The Independent’s Eric Garcia remarks on the spectacle of anti-mandate protesters comparing themselves to the US’s civil rights heroes of decades past.

Andrew Naughtie31 January 2022 13:50

Police say the protest is costing them $800k/day

In a statement, the Ottawa Police have explained how financially draining the cost of policing the truckers’ protest has become – while also saying they “have avoided ticketing and towing” illegally parked vehicles “so as not to instigate confrontations with demonstrators”.

This last point has not been greeted well by those pointing out racial inequities in policing practice.

Andrew Naughtie31 January 2022 14:15

How do Ottawans feel?

Toronto Star journalist Althia Raj reports on the mayor of Ottawa’s latest description of the atmosphere in the city:

Andrew Naughtie31 January 2022 14:40

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