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Westminster today: Theresa May thanks Donald Trump for 'very strong response' to Salisbury nerve agent attack - as it happened

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Benjamin Kentish
Political Correspondent
Wednesday 28 March 2018 14:00 BST
PMQs: May questioned over 'shady link' between Vote Leave and data mining company at heart of Facebook scandal

Theresa May has spoken to Donald Trump to thank the US president for his 'very strong response' to the Salisbury nerve agent attack.

Earlier in the day, Ms May faced Jeremy Corbyn for the last session of Prime Minister's Questions before Parliament's two-week Easter recess.

The Labour leader attacked the Government on its record tackling mental health, pointing to failings at Southern Health, which has been fined £2m for the "avoidable" deaths of two young people.

Meanwhile Amber Rudd was quizzed by MPs over the Salisbury poisoning case and post-Brexit immigration when she appeared before the Home Affairs Committee.

As it happened...


Theresa May's spokesman also confirmed at this afternoon's briefing for lobby journalists that the prime minister will take a walking holiday in Wales over Easter.

It was during a similar trip last year that Ms May decided to call the general election that cost her her parliamentary majority. 

The prime minister joked about her upcoming break earlier this month at a Westminster dinner for political journalists earlier this month. 

She said: "I was looking forward to this event so much that I called a general election to get out of it.

"But I can't pull that stunt two years in a row. Or can I? I am, after all, going walking in Wales at Easter..."

Ms May's official spokesman said the PM would be in Wales over the Easter weekend and will return to her Maidenhead constituency in the middle of next week.

Kristin Hugo28 March 2018 16:50

Kristin Hugo28 March 2018 16:50

That's all for today's live updates - keep checking The Independent website for all the latest news.

Kristin Hugo28 March 2018 17:22

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