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Tory leadership contest: Boris Johnson agrees to TV debate under intense pressure from rivals, as Matt Hancock bows out of race

Health secretary’s move leaves just six candidates as Channel 4 head-to-head poised to happen without frontrunner

Lizzy Buchan
Political Correspondent
,Peter Stubley,Jane Dalton
Friday 14 June 2019 13:45 BST
Matt Hancock withdraws from the race to be the next leader of the Conservative Party

Matt Hancock has dropped out of the Tory leadership race amid rumours the remaining contenders will unite to stop Boris Johnson becoming prime minister.

The health secretary announced his decision to withdraw hours after issuing a joint statement with Jeremy Hunt, Michael Gove, Dominic Raab, Sajid Javid, and Rory Stewart to compel the frontrunner in taking part in a televised debate before the next vote.

Mr Johnson bowed to pressure to take part in the BBC debate on Tuesday but he signalled he would refuse to take part in the first clash, hosted by Channel 4 on Sunday.

See below for what was our live coverage.


After BBC's Victoria Derbyshire became the latest media figure to mispronounce Jeremy Hunt‘s name, the foreign secretary has urged broadcasters to "grow up".

He told the Daily Telegraph: "I'm used to it. I had this when I was at school. Personally I think people should just grow up and get over the fact that my last name rhymes with a rather unpleasant word."

Peter Stubley14 June 2019 08:55

Here's the Independent's political sketch writer Tom Peck on Boris Johnson, future prime minister.

"The Tory party cannot face up to the truth of what it’s done, so it’s sending for the biggest liar of them all. Can you blame them? Theresa May was unable to escape reality, so they destroyed her. Johnson can’t do it either, but he says he can, and that will certainly do for now."

Peter Stubley14 June 2019 09:00

Health secretary Matt Hancock is reportedly considering pulling out of the Tory leadership race to support either Michael Gove or Jeremy Hunt.

The remaining seven contenders need 33 votes needed to get past the next round on Tuesday. Only three reached that number on Thursday's vote - Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and Jeremy Hunt.

One of Mr Johnson's supporters described the other four - Dominic Raab, Sajid Javid, Rory Stewart and Matt Hancock as "vanity candidates".

They told the Telegraph: "Anyone else who tries to carry on is being indulgent."

If there were only three candidates left by next Tuesday's vote, one would be eliminated and the contest could proceed to the next stage of voting by the party membership the same day, instead of next Thursday as currently scheduled.

Peter Stubley14 June 2019 09:06

Jeremy Hunt has taunted Boris Johnson about "hiding away" from the media during the Tory leadership race. "What would Churchill say?", he asks.

Mr Johnson is also the author of a book called "The Churchill Factor", described on Amazon as "essential reading for anyone who wants to know what makes a great leader."

Here's political correspondent Lizzy Buchan with the full story.

Peter Stubley14 June 2019 09:12

The foreign secretary refused to say if he believed Mr Johnson would be a good prime minister.

Mr Hunt told the Today programme: "I hope he would be if he becomes prime minister. I don't know the answer to that question in advance. But, if he gets the job, I will do everything in my power to make him a successful prime minister."

Peter Stubley14 June 2019 09:13

In other news, there are now only 139 days until Brexit. Or until Brexit is delayed again.

Peter Stubley14 June 2019 09:18

Today is also the second anniversary of the Grenfell Tower fire.

A day of remembrance will begin with a memorial service at nearby St Helen's Church at 11am.

At midday the community will observe a 72-second silence to mark the 72 victims.

This evening survivors, relatives, neighbours and friends of those who died on 14 June 2017 will lay wreaths at the foot of the 24-storey tower before walking silently through North Kensington.

Peter Stubley14 June 2019 09:24

Former Labour and Change UK MP Chuka Umunna will officially confirm he has joined the Liberal Democrats with a press conference at 12.15pm.

He first announced the move last night on Twitter. Here's our report by Chiara Giordano.

Peter Stubley14 June 2019 09:27

There have been varying reactions to the prospect of a seven-way Tory leadership debate on TV.

Alastair Stewart of ITV News believes it's more important that Boris Johnson gives "one-to-one forensic interviews" to the media, while former ambassador to the US Christopher Meyer suggests the TV debates should be delayed until there are only two contenders left standing.

Peter Stubley14 June 2019 09:37
Peter Stubley14 June 2019 09:40

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