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Brexit news - live: Andrea Leadsom resigns over Theresa May's withdrawal bill as PM clings to power

Premier to meet Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the 1922 Committee, on Friday

Lizzy Buchan
Political Correspondent
,Jon Sharman
Wednesday 22 May 2019 18:35 BST
How do European Elections work?

Senior Tories told Theresa May "it is time to go" as 1922 Committee leader Sir Graham Brady revealed he would meet the PM on Friday.

The prime minister set out her proposals in the Commons but Tory and Labour MPs expressed fury at her plans for a second referendum.

Leader of the House of Commons Andrea Leadsom resigned from the cabinet with a "heavy heart", saying she no longer believed the government's approach to Brextit would "deliver on the referendum result".

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Labour's deputy leader Tom Watson has criticised Andrea Leadsom's decision to quit the day before European parliament elections.

He tweeted: "I accept that she may want to go but to do it the night before an election looks odd. It's also a slap in the face to Tory party members who are working hard to get their candidates elected tomorrow."

Jon Sharman22 May 2019 20:05

Labour is putting the boot in tonight.

Ian Lavery, its chairman, said after Ms Leadsom's resignation: "The prime minister's authority is shot and her time is up."

Jon Sharman22 May 2019 20:10

Jon Sharman22 May 2019 20:15

Jon Sharman22 May 2019 20:15

Amid all this, Michael Gove is apparently keeping quiet on Twitter.

The environment secretary's last tweet was 11 hours ago and very much on-brand - not a resignation statement in sight.

Jon Sharman22 May 2019 20:27

Britain. 6pm. Wednesday 22 May 2019. On the night before nationwide European elections that were not meant to happen, Theresa May has turned 10 Downing Street into her own private panic room and Nigel Farage is trapped on a bus in Hastings, surrounded by crowds holding milkshakes, writes our political sketchwriter Tom Peck.

Or is the other way round? Who even knows? Welcome, everyone, to the sunlit uplands. We have made it to the promised land. We have reached the fully post-metaphor stage of Brexit. It is not ‘like’ anything. Nothing so farcical has occurred before or will again. Not until tomorrow, anyway.

The Conservative Party, and by tragic consequence, the rest of the nation, is now living out a full Ocean’s Eleven remake, a heist movie to somehow bust Theresa May out of office when it simply cannot be done.

Jon Sharman22 May 2019 20:35

Number 10 has responded to Andrea Leadsom's resignation.

A Downing Street spokesman said: "Andrea Leadsom has served with distinction and great ability as a member of the Government, and the Prime Minister is grateful for all of her work.

"We are disappointed that she has chosen to resign, and the Prime Minister remains focused on delivering the Brexit people voted for."

Jon Sharman22 May 2019 20:42

Theresa May's Conservatives are on course for their worst electoral defeat in a national vote as a fresh poll for The Independent puts the party in fourth position on the eve of the European elections, writes Ashley Cowburn.

The survey - cementing the Brexit Party in first place - also shows Labour and the Liberal Democrats vying for second place, with Jeremy Corbyn's party slightly ahead as the UK public prepares to elect its next crop of MEPs on Thursday.

The poll by BMG researchers puts the Brexit Party way ahead of the established political parties at Westminster with 35 per cent of respondents opting for the newly-formed party - spearheaded by Nigel Farage.

It indicates that just nine per cent of those who voted Leave at the European Union referendum in 2016 will vote for the Conservatives tomorrow, as Theresa May's last-ditch attempt to save her Brexit plan looked doomed to be rejected by MPs.

Jon Sharman22 May 2019 20:49

MPs have reacted to Andrea Leadsom’s decision to resign on the eve of the European elections.

Some fellow Conservative MPs described her decision to quit the government because of its Brexit approach as “absolutely the right thing to do”, while one Labour MP wished her well.

Scottish Tory Ross Thomson tweeted: “Sad to see Andrea Leadsom leave Government but absolutely the right thing to do.

“This new agreement breaks the last promise that was possible to break on a second EU referendum.”

Another Conservative MP, Chris Heaton-Harris, tweeted: “A great shame, but completely understandable.

“Tomorrow she would have had to announce a Bill containing elements (2nd referendum and Customs Union) that she simply could not support in good faith.”

Meanwhile Labour’s deputy leader Tom Watson criticised Ms Leadsom’s decision to step down on the eve of the European elections, calling it a “slap in the face” for her Tory colleagues.

He tweeted: “I accept that she may want to go but to do it the night before an election looks odd.

“It’s also a slap in the face to Tory party members who are working hard to get their candidates elected tomorrow.”

Labour MP Jess Phillips said she liked Ms Leadsom and commended her work in helping to introduce proxy voting for MPs.


Chiara.Giordano22 May 2019 21:38

The former leader of the House of Commons has also been praised for her attempts to tackle bullying in Westminster.

Labour MP Chris Elmore tweeted: “Don’t share her politics or views on another referendum, but Andrea Leadsom has shown leadership on trying to tackle bullying & harassment in Westminster. 

“Plus just this week played key part in securing long term future of Parliamentary estate. Crucial work that needs recognition.”

Chiara.Giordano22 May 2019 21:50

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