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Brexit news - LIVE: Jeremy Corbyn denies calling Theresa May 'stupid woman' after uproar in parliament

The latest Brexit developments at Westminster

Lizzy Buchan
Political Correspondent
,Ashley Cowburn
Wednesday 19 December 2018 17:30 GMT
Jeremy Corbyn appears to call Theresa May a 'stupid woman' during PMQs

Jeremy Corbyn today came under pressure to apologise after MPs accused him of calling the prime minister a “stupid woman” during a heated exchange in the Commons.

The Labour leader firmly denied he had made a misogynistic remark, claiming during a point of order later on Wednesday that he muttered “stupid people” under his breath to refer to all MPs.

It came as television cameras picked up Mr Corbyn during prime minister’s questions saying something to those next to him after Theresa May likened his attempt to force a vote of no confidence in her leadership to a pantomime.

The footage went viral on social media, but Mr Corbyn later flatly denied using the phrase, telling MPs gathered in the chamber: “I referred to those who I believe were seeking to turn a debate about the national crisis facing our country into a pantomime as “stupid people”.

“I did not use the words “stupid woman” about the Prime Minister or anyone else, and am completely opposed to the use of sexist or misogynist language in absolutely any form at all.”

Ms May had suggested Mr Corbyn apologise if he had indeed used “inappropriate language” as the row overshadowed a heated PMQs that focused on the ongoing Brexit impasse.

The row comes as Sajid Javid, the home secretary, conceded that a Conservative manifesto pledge to keep net migration to the “tens of thousands” has been left out of post-Brexit plans released on Wednesday afternoon.

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Ashley Cowburn19 December 2018 20:00

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