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Conservative rebels win bid to let MPs take control of EU exit plans if Theresa May loses vote

Prime minister suffers humiliating double defeat in Commons

Lizzy Buchan
Political Correspondent
,Chris Baynes
Tuesday 04 December 2018 19:00 GMT
Commons vote forces government to publish Brexit legal advice ahead of vote

Theresa May has suffered two humiliating defeats in parliament as MPs flex their muscles ahead of a Commons showdown over her deal.

In extraordinary scenes, the government was found to be in contempt of parliament over its refusal to publish key Brexit papers after opposition MPs won a narrow victory to force their hand.

Tory rebels then inflicted a further defeat on the prime minister, by backing an amendment that would give MPs control over Brexit if Ms May's deal is voted down next week.

It comes as the prime minister began a five-day Commons debate on her Brexit blueprint, which culminates in crunch votes that could threaten her leadership and her government.

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