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Boris Johnson news: Keir Starmer says PM ‘making it up as he goes along’ as rumours grow of tax hikes from Rishi Sunak

Follow how the latest developments in Westminster unfolded as MPs return from summer recess

Andy Gregory,Samuel Osborne
Wednesday 02 September 2020 21:20 BST
Keir Starmer says PM 'making it up as he goes along' after summer of U-turns

Keir Starmer has accused Boris Johnson of “making it up as he goes along” during a fiery exchange at PMQs amid growing Tory wrath over his summer of U-turns – described by one Conservative MP as a “mega-disaster from one day to the next”.

The embattled prime minister sought to reassure his Cabinet as they reconvened on Tuesday after the summer recess that although in the last few months they have been “sailing into the teeth of a gale, no question ... sometimes it is necessary to tack here and there in response to the facts as they change, in response to the wind’s change”.

Meanwhile, Rishi Sunak has been warned against “shortsighted” alleged plans to divert billions from the foreign aid budget to pay for defence and intelligence upgrades, as Dominic Raab pledged to fight famine as he launched the controversial new department set to replace the Department for International Development.

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Labour calls on government to ensure 'those responsible' for Navalny poisoning are held to account

Shadow Europe minister Catherine West said: "Confirmation from German authorities that the nerve agent Novichok was used against the Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny is a serious and alarming development. The Russian government has serious questions to answer.

"The despicable Salisbury attack in 2018 was a clear example of the willingness of the Russian state to use chemical weapons against opponents and critics anywhere in the world.

"We must be categorical in our condemnation of the use chemical weapons and support the referral of Alexei Navalny's poisoning to the OPCW.

"The UK government must work with democratic allies in the EU and Nato to ensure that those responsible are held to account.

"There must be no impunity for the use of chemical weapons."

Samuel Osborne2 September 2020 19:46

'Sharp increase' in coronavirus cases in Bolton and Trafford led to sudden decision not to lift lockdown

The health secretary, Matt Hancock, has said a "sharp increase" in Covid-19 cases in Bolton and Trafford over the past few days led to the sudden decision not to lift the local restrictions in those areas.

Speaking to BBC News, he said: "We took the swift and decisive action that was necessary because over the last few days we have seen a doubling of the number of cases in Bolton, in Trafford.

"We took the action to ensure those areas haven't been able to come out of lockdown, that was due to come into force today, and instead we took the decision it wasn't coming into force."

Mr Hancock said that "overall" the number of transmissions was coming down in the areas under local measures but "not in Bolton and Trafford, so we had to make the changes we did".

Asked about why some people - including Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham - thought the restrictions had been lifted overnight, Mr Hancock added: "The measures were due to be lifted today and we took the decision that they aren't going to be lifted in Trafford and Bolton because the number of cases have gone right up.

"In both Bolton and Trafford over the past few days we've seen quite a sharp increase in cases and the numbers have doubled, so that's why we had to take this swift and decisive action today."

Samuel Osborne2 September 2020 20:26

Dominic Cummings recruit sacked for suggesting police use 'live rounds' on Black Lives Matter demonstrators

A Whitehall official hired after responding to Dominic Cummings' attempt to recruit "weirdos and misfits" into the civil service has been sacked after suggesting that police should shoot Black Lives Matter protesters, policy correspondent Jon Stone reports.

An investigation by the Guardian newspaper found that Will O’Shea, 57, a data specialist with a senior role at the Cabinet Office, was let go after posting the incendiary comments on social media at the height of the protests on 5 July.

The incident is the second known high-profile departure of a Cummings recruit from the civil service, following the stepping down of "super forecaster" Andrew Sabisky, whose views on genetics and race caused a backlash against his appointment.

Responding to a tweet about an altercation between police and anti-racism demonstrators in London, Mr O’Shea had posted: “Time to get out the live rounds.”

The former official reportedly told an undercover reporter working for the newspaper that he "was let go because of my tweet” but later said he was never given a reason for his termination by the Cabinet Office.

Samuel Osborne2 September 2020 20:48

Nato condemns suspected novichok attempt on Navalny

Nato secretary general Jens Stoltenberg has also condemned the suspected novichok attack on Alexei Navalny.

In a statement, he said: "The German government has announced that Alexei Navalny was the victim of an attack with a chemical nerve agent from the novichok group.

"This is shocking, and I utterly condemn it. The use of a military-grade nerve agent makes it even more urgent that the Russian authorities conduct a full and transparent investigation.

"Those responsible must be identified and held accountable. We will be consulting with Germany and all Allies on the implications of these findings.

"Nato regards any use of chemical weapons as a threat to international peace and security."

Samuel Osborne2 September 2020 21:03

At least 409 migrants reach UK in new single-day record

At least 409 migrants have reached UK shores in a rush of small boats, a new single-day record.

A wave of people took advantage of flat seas in the English Channel on Wednesday, with hundreds of migrants intercepted in the Channel while others managed to land on beaches.

Wednesday's record total surpasses the previous high of 235, set on 6 August.

Samuel Osborne2 September 2020 21:23

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