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Brexit news: EU chief ‘vows to ignore Boris Johnson’s deadline’, pushing talks beyond Brussels summit

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Liam James,Adam Forrest,Samuel Osborne
Friday 09 October 2020 20:59 BST
Brexit briefing: How long until the end of the transition period?

EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier holds “intensified” Brexit talks with UK counterpart David Frost in London today. Mr Barnier has reportedly told EU leaders to ignore Boris Johnson’s mid-October deadline for an agreement before the European Council summit.

Elsewhere, chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced a new, local furlough scheme today which will subsidise the wages of workers in pubs and restaurants forced to close under coronavirus restrictions.

With pubs and restaurants in northern England expected to be closed next week, it will cover two-thirds of affected workers’ wages. It comes as figures show the economy grew by only 2.1 per cent in August – far below what was expected and a dramatic slow down in the recovery.


‘Dr Person Fakename’ and ‘Harold Shipman’ signatures on scientists’ letter calling on government to embrace herd immunity

An open letter urging governments to embrace herd immunity has been signed by the likes of at least seven Dr Harold Shipmans, Dr Person Fakename, Dr Very Dodgy Doctor, and a Mr Banana Rama – casting doubt on the legitimacy of the support it claims to have.

The Great Barrington Declaration, authored and signed by prominent supporters of herd immunity in the US, recommends that governments take an approach they call “Focused Protection”, which calls for an end to coronavirus lockdowns.

Kate Ng has the story:

‘Dr Person Fakename’ and ‘Harold Shipman’ signatures on scientists’ letter calling on government to embrace herd immunity

Other names in list of Great Barrington Declaration include ‘Dr Johnny Fartpants’ and ‘Professor Notaf Uckingclue’

Samuel Osborne9 October 2020 18:29

Stormont welcomes treasury wage support

Stormont ministers have welcomed financial commitments from the Treasury to help pay workers whose employers are forced to close due to renewed lockdowns.

The powersharing executive in Northern Ireland had been lobbying the government for additional support, insisting the devolved administration did not have the resources to absorb the economic impact of another period of stringent coronavirus restrictions.

Under the six-month scheme announced by the chancellor, Rishi Sunak, employees of firms forced to close due to new restrictions will have two thirds of their wages paid by the state.

Mr Sunak also announced an uplift in business grants on offer to English businesses - a move that will see the Stormont Executive handed another £200m for any similar initiatives in Northern Ireland.

Samuel Osborne9 October 2020 18:49

Nottingham MP ‘very concerned’ about surge in city’s cases

Reacting to the surge in Covid-19 cases in Nottingham, Nadia Whittome, the MP for Nottingham East, said: "I am very concerned about the rapidly increasing number of Covid-19 cases in Nottingham.

"The government's inconsistent messaging, the decision to reopen universities before it was safe and the fiasco of the privatised test and trace system have all contributed to this fresh outbreak. I am speaking to the city council about how we can work together to best protect Nottingham residents.

"I have also reached out to the secretary of state and Public Health England, asking to discuss new local lockdown measures. I believe that enhanced restrictions need to be announced imminently, along with a serious plan to protect jobs in the city."

Ms Whittome added: "I am deeply disappointed that MPs and councillors are finding out about a possible fresh lockdown from newspapers and not from the government.

"I am also concerned that new regulations are likely to only be implemented next week, allowing for more people to become infected over the weekend. This is a completely irresponsible approach to introducing new measures."

Samuel Osborne9 October 2020 19:15

Government support package ‘doesn’t even touch the sides’, pub owners say

People in charge of pubs in England have criticised Rishi Sunak's expanded job support scheme, saying their industry needs more financial help.

Workers in pubs, restaurants and other businesses which are forced to close under new coronavirus restrictions will have two-thirds of their wages paid by the government, the chancellor announced.

It comes ahead of the expected closure next week of hospitality venues in coronavirus hotspots and follows intense pressure on the government for a targeted extension of the furlough scheme.

Ministers will also increase cash grants to businesses in England which are forced to close to support with fixed costs - but, for some, the new measures have done little to assuage their fears.

"No, it's not enough, definitely not enough, it doesn't even touch the sides," Mel Green, 41, manager of The Black Bull in Otley, West Yorkshire, told the PA news agency. "I think there needs to be more financial support.

"£2,000 every four weeks isn't going to cut it. Two-thirds of somebody's wage isn't going to cut it. You've got to remember that we're in a trade where everyone's on national minimum wage pretty much.

"They're the ones that are losing out. A lot of them are living hand to mouth already and they've already had hours reduced."

Samuel Osborne9 October 2020 19:37

Targeted furlough scheme lacks clarity and has come too late for some workers, chancellor told

Jobs have been lost due to the delay in announcing a targeted furlough scheme and more support is still needed to help businesses through local lockdowns, the government has been warned.

Businesses welcomed Rishi Sunak’s announcement on Friday that the government will pay two-thirds of wages, up to a maximum of £2,100, for firms ordered to close due to virus rules.

But there were calls for further clarity about how the scheme would work and exactly who would be eligible.

Ben Chapman has the full story:

Jobs have been lost due to delay announcing new furlough scheme, chancellor told

Businesses welcome additional help through local lockdowns but delay has caused job losses already

Samuel Osborne9 October 2020 20:22

Prime minister to set out new coronavirus restrictions ‘on Monday’

 Boris Johnson will reportedly make a Commons statement on Monday setting out new coronavirus outbreak restrictions.

The PA news agency said it understands the prime minister will use the occasion to outline a new "tiered" approach to how local Covid situations will be treated.

Samuel Osborne9 October 2020 20:46

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