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Boris Johnson news – live: PM’s Brexit withdrawal deal signed in Brussels, as top union backs Rebecca Long-Bailey

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Adam Forrest,Ashley Cowburn,Vincent Wood
Friday 24 January 2020 16:00 GMT
Brexit timeline: From 2013 referendum promise to a 2020 exit

Boris Johnson has described the signing as “a fantastic moment” which would bring an end to more than three years of “argument and division” since the referendum vote to leave the EU in 2016.

The step forward in the path towards Brexit came as the PM faced challenges on the domestic front - being urged to scrap HS2 by a group of 13 Tory MPs while his business secretary Andrea Leadsom met with the family of Harry Dunn to discuss the ongoing effort to bring Anne Sacoolas back to the UK to face justice.

Meanwhile the passing of Good Friday architect and former Stormont deputy first minister Seamus Mallon prompted tributes from across the political spectrum. Tony Blair, who worked with him to bring peace to Northern Ireland, said he was "Brave, blunt...someone deeply respected and admired across the troubled landscape of Irish politics"

And in Labour leadership contest news, Len McClusky's union Unite expressed its support for Rebecca Long-Bailey to succeed Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader.

Here are all of the day's events as they happened:


Richard Burgon has welcomed his endorsement from Unite.

The MP has struggled to gain support from local Labour parties, being endorsed by just three so far with 49 declared.

However support from Unite as well as the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union could see him remain in the race through support from trade bodies.

Vincent Wood24 January 2020 20:35

The Foreign Secretary has said the Government "would have acted differently" from the US secretary of state after he refused to return the suspect charged with causing the death of Harry Dunn to the UK.

Dominic Raab appeared to suggest he would have agreed to extradite 42-year-old Anne Sacoolas if he was put in the same position as Mike Pompeo.

"I called the US ambassador earlier to express the Government's disappointment about this decision," he said.

"We feel this amounts to a denial of justice, and we believe Anne Sacoolas should return to the UK. We are now urgently considering our options.

"I also explained that the UK would have acted differently if this had been a UK diplomat serving in the US."

Vincent Wood24 January 2020 20:52

Tributes continue for Stormont's former deputy first minister

More tributes have poured in to mark the passing of Seamus Mallon - including from Westminster's chair of the foreign affairs committee Tom Tugendhat, the Irish republic's deputy PM Simon Coveney, and Boris Johnson.

Vincent Wood24 January 2020 21:19

That's all from us his evening, thanks for following.

Vincent Wood24 January 2020 21:34

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