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Storm Ciarán news live: UK set for washout bonfire weekend as Storm Domingos to slam into Europe

Death toll in Europe rises to 12 as cars swept away as downpours flood hospitals in Italy

Shweta Sharma,Barney Davis
Saturday 04 November 2023 15:37 GMT
Waves batter Devon coast as Storm Ciaran hits UK

With the worst of Storm Ciarán now over for Brits Storm Domingos is moving across the Atlantic and is expected to slam into Europe on Saturday.

The worst of Domingos is expected to hit northern Spain and western France along the Bay of Biscay, where gusts in excess of 60 mph are possible in addition to heavy rain.

Despite the centre of Ciarán now over the North Sea, many British Bonfire Night events have been cancelled or postponed with added travel disruption expected.

The Met Office issued a yellow weather notice for heavy rain across the south and south west of England lasting from 5am on Saturday to 11.59pm.

A yellow weather warning for rain has been issued for Saturday as 42 flood warnings remain in place as downpours are expected to hamper down ahead of bonfire night.

Dozens of flood warnings remain in place across the South coast with a few in the East of England and several scattered around North Yorkshire as rivers reach their limit.

Thunderstorms are likely to catch in the southeast as up to 30-40mm are expected in the coastal regions.

The Met Office said: “A spell of heavy rain early in the day clears northwards but is followed by fairly frequent heavy and blustery showers.”

It comes as at least 12 people have died across Europe as Storm Ciarán unleashed chaos and widespread flooding, while thousands of homes in the UK are still without power.

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Storm Domingos to slam into Europe on the heels of deadly Ciarán

The west of France looks to suffer the strongest winds from Storm Domingo this weekend, particularly Saturday evening, with 80mph gales possible along the Atlantic coast.

50 mph gusts are expected across the north coast of Spain, however along exposed coasts and mountains in the north, there could be gusts over 60mph.

Ciarán pulled away Thursday afternoon and evening. The Met Office announced that Ciarán established a record for the lowest pressure in England and Wales during November; typically, the lower the pressure, the stronger the storm.

Falling trees killed several people in France, Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands and Germany because of the storm’s vast area of strong winds.

Barney Davis4 November 2023 09:28

The Jersey islands are expected to escape the worst of Storm Domingos just days after heavy winds battered the Channel Islands.

Although wind speeds are set to increase across the area, Jersey Met said there were no signs of any significant storms for at least the next six days.

In a statement, the agency said: “The weather remains unsettled with further wet and windy spells.

“However, there are no signs of any significant storms or heavy rainfall events affecting the Channel Islands over the next six days.


“The Spanish Meteorological Agency has named the next low pressure ‘Storm Domingos’, which is set to bring disruption to parts of Spain, Portugal and France today. Storm Domingos is not expected to directly affect the Channel Islands.

“There will be occasional gales and rainfall over the weekend, but this will be much less than what was experienced Wednesday night and Thursday morning.

“Saturday will see the wind reach force five to seven, with the chance of wind touching gale force eight briefly at times, which is normal for this time of year.

“During the early hours of Sunday the wind will reach force seven to gale force eight and may briefly reach severe gale force nine, but this will only be for a short time, and the winds will ease later on Sunday morning.”

Barney Davis4 November 2023 10:19

Houses damaged as Storm Ciaran batters Jersey

Houses damaged as Storm Ciaran batters Jersey
Barney Davis4 November 2023 10:49

Met Office warns of flooding in Devon and Cornwall

Heavy rain has been forecast across Devon, Cornwall and much of the south amid fears of more flooding after Storm Ciarán battered the country.

The Met Office has extended a yellow warning for rain adding: “Flooding of a few homes and businesses is possible.

“Large waves may lead to dangerous conditions across some English Channel coastlines.”

Sea spits mangled 4x4 truck out onto Devon beach
Sea spits mangled 4x4 truck out onto Devon beach (Dave Harris, Facebook)

Clarissa Newell, from the Environment Agency in the South West, said: “When the catchments are full of water like this it’s really important to know that it will rise very quickly.

“You can think you’re having a bit of rain then suddenly it’s coming in through your door.”

Barney Davis4 November 2023 11:41

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