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Ben Stokes trial - as it happened: England cricketer tells court he had 'pretty stupid face' but wasn't drunk

All-rounder accused of attacking two men during fracas

Harriet Agerholm
Thursday 09 August 2018 14:10 BST
Ben Stokes arrest footage released by police

Cricketer Ben Stokes has denied being drunk during an alleged brawl outside a Bristol nightclub, although he said he had a "pretty stupid face" when shown images from the night of the incident.

The all-rounder, 27, is accused of attacking two men during the fracas last September.

Mr Stokes entered the witness box on Thursday, the fourth day of his trial, to tell the jury he was protecting himself and others during the alleged fight with two men, Ryan Ali and Ryan Hale.

But Mr Hale earlier told Bristol Crown Court Mr Stokes "could have killed" him.

Mr Hale and Mr Ali were also charged with affray, although the judge instructed the jury not to find Mr Hale guilty since there was no evidence he used or threatened unlawful violence.

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Mr Stokes said the alleged fracas began when Ryan Ali held the neck of the upturned bottle in his hand and began “waving it around”.

“From my recollection I don't remember which specific words, but it was just lots of shouting and Mr Ali was running towards Alex Hales with a bottle above his head like he was going to hit him,” Mr Stokes said.

“I remember getting between Alex and Mr Ali and then he turned around and he, Mr Ali, swung at one of the gay couple.

“As soon as I see Mr Ali swing the bottle and physically hit them that's when I took the decision to get involved.

“I remember taking a swing at Mr Ali. I just remember (him) just coming towards me and I remember tussling around with him, I eventually fell to the floor.”

Mr Stokes continued: "I was protecting myself. I would say that I took a decision of what I did very quickly.

"As soon as this episode started I knew that not just myself, but other people could be a target of either of these two men.

"One had already verbally told me what he would do if I didn't 'Shut the f*** up'.

"He had ran at a close friend of mine with a bottle.

"As soon as I decided to get involved... everything that I carried out... I felt under threat by these two and felt I had to do whatever it was to keep myself and others around me safe."

Harriet Agerholm9 August 2018 16:11

When Mr Stokes was arrested he told England teammate Alex Hales to leave.

In bodycam footage shown to the court, Mr Stokes can be seen mouthing words at Mr Hales.

He says he was telling him: “It’s on me .... he didn’t need to be here, just go, get away from here.”

Harriet Agerholm9 August 2018 16:30

When Mr Stokes was arrested he did not know who to contact first - his then-fiancée or his manager - he has told the court.

Harriet Agerholm9 August 2018 16:32

The hearing has finished for the day. Mr Stokes will continue to give evidence tomorrow from 10am. Thank you for following The Independent's coverage of day four of the trial - check back tomorrow for updates.

Harriet Agerholm9 August 2018 16:34

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