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US Grand Prix LIVE: F1 race result and reaction tonight as Max Verstappen holds off Lewis Hamilton to win

Follow all the fallout from an exciting race in Austin, Texas

Jamie Braidwood
Sunday 24 October 2021 22:21 BST
Alonso Backs Third F1 Race In The US

A thrilling Formula 1 title race between Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen continued this evening as the United States Grand Prix played out in Austin, Texas.

Verstappen started in pole position at the Circuit of the Americas, with rival Hamilton joining him in the front row. Dutchman Verstappen entered the race leading the Briton by six points in the drivers’ standings and having reclaimed top spot in the championship battle at this month’s Turkish GP, and the Red Bull driver was able to take another step towards his first F1 title by emerging victorious here.

Although Verstappen was overtaken by Hamilton almost immediately after lights out, he regained first place when the Mercedes man made his first pit stop of the day. That moment even saw Verstappen gain a six-second lead on the defending champion, who spent the rest of the race trying to close down his rival. Hamilton could not erase the gap, however, as Verstappen crossed the line first to double his points advantage over the seven-time title-winner to 12 points with five races left this season. Hamilton came second, while Verstappen’s teammate Sergio Perez rounded out the podium places.

Follow all the fallout from the United States Grand Prix below.


US Grand Prix

Lap 55/56: Hamilton is within a second! But Verstappen is fighting back with a massive last effort!

Jamie Braidwood24 October 2021 21:36

US Grand Prix: TWO laps to go!

Lap 55/56: Down to 1.1 seconds! That’s almost DRS range.

Jamie Braidwood24 October 2021 21:35

US Grand Prix: THREE laps to go!

Lap 54/56: Now we’re seeing Hamilton gains again! It’s back down to 1.5 seconds.

Jamie Braidwood24 October 2021 21:35

US Grand Prix

Lap 53/56: Or has Verstappen saved himself for a final defence?

Raikkonen takes a spin and loses 10th place to Vettel.

Jamie Braidwood24 October 2021 21:34

US Grand Prix

Lap 52/56: Is Hamilton saving himself for one final push over the last three laps of the race?

Verstappen increases his advantage. It’s back up to 1.9s.

Jamie Braidwood24 October 2021 21:32

US Grand Prix

Lap 51/56: Indeed, Hamilton has not been able to cut the gap to Verstappen over the past couple of laps. In fact, Verstappen was 0.1 seconds faster.

Alonso is forced into a retirement, joining Ocon and Gasly.

Jamie Braidwood24 October 2021 21:31

US Grand Prix

Lap 50/56: The rate of Hamilton’s gains will slow the closer he gets to Verstappen, as he begins to enter the dirty air behind the Red Bull.

Jamie Braidwood24 October 2021 21:29

US Grand Prix

Lap 49/56: It’s a waiting game now, Hamilton is 1.8 seconds behind and we’re just a few laps away from Hamilton potentially being able to go for a move at the lead!

Jamie Braidwood24 October 2021 21:27

US Grand Prix

Lap 46/56: Verstappen can see Hamilton is closing and asks his team what the pace advantage needed for the pass is.

Further back, Bottas is closing in on Sainz for sixth place.

Jamie Braidwood24 October 2021 21:24

US Grand Prix

Lap 45/56: Hamilton can now see Verstappen up ahead. He’s within 3.5 seconds and is roughly half a second faster per lap.

Jamie Braidwood24 October 2021 21:21

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