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Strictly Come Dancing, week two – as it happened: Latest scores and leaderboard as voting opens

Fifteen couples go full pelt to avoid the first dance-off this series

Emma Bullimore
Saturday 29 September 2018 18:44 BST
BBC Strictly Come Dancing opening dance

Strictly got serious this week as voting lines officially opened, leaving one couple at risk of being unceremoniously eliminated from the competition before it has truly begun.

Nobody wants to be the first to go home, so the stakes are high – especially with movie week on the horizon next weekend.

Comedian Seann Walsh and his partner Katya jived to Elton John’s “I’m Still Standing” while YouTuber Joe Sugg and his partner, Dianne, performed a Charleston set to wedding disco favourite “Cotton Eye Joe".

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Remember the final leaderboard is decided by combining last week’s scores with tonight’s marks.

Strictly Come Dancing airs every Saturday on BBC One


Claudia trying to claim it was magnificent. No Claudia, everyone has admitted mistakes were made, it's just patronising to say otherwise.

emmabullimore29 September 2018 20:23

Seann and Katya: Jive scores

Craig: 2

Darcey: 4

Shirley: 4

Bruno: 5

Total: 15

'It's fair enough, it went so well in rehearsal!' says Seann. At least that should cheer Susannah up.

emmabullimore29 September 2018 20:24

It's the final couple of the night! Ashley and Pasha. Or 'Par-sha' as she calls him (I love her accent). They're doing a cha cha to Boogie Wonderland and I'm expecting this to be absolutely incredible. Fun fact: there are 500 jewels hand sewn onto Ashley's top for this dance. Apparently it's very heavy.

emmabullimore29 September 2018 20:25

Yes Ashley!! This is spectacular. As you might expect from someone who danced in the Pussycat Dolls, but let's not take anything away from her, she's really putting on a show and making it look effortless.

emmabullimore29 September 2018 20:27

'You are good' says Craig. Just a mild understatement there.

emmabullimore29 September 2018 20:28

Ooh Shirley's not joining in. She says she holds Ashley to a higher standard and starts nit-picking. Brrruno is loving it though. Obviously. 'Your hips don't lie honey, they're telling me fabulous things.' Sit down, Bruno.

emmabullimore29 September 2018 20:29

Ashley and Pasha: Cha cha scores

Craig: 8

Darcey: 8

Shirley: 7

Bruno: 9

Total: 32

Wowzer, the first 9 of the series! It leaves Ashley at the top of the leaderboard with Susannah at the bottom...

emmabullimore29 September 2018 20:31

So, it's the first elimination tomorrow night and the bottom four couples are Graeme and Oti, Seann and Katya, Katie and Gorka and Susannah and Anton. But Anton is wildly popular. And I think Seann and Katie will both get lots of votes. So we could be in for some surprises tomorrow night...

emmabullimore29 September 2018 20:33

What a show! I actually really like the fact that lots of the couples weren't quite up to scratch. That's how it should be in week two, they need somewhere to go as they embark on that all-important 'Strictly journey.' The results show will be on BBC1 at 7.15 tomorrow night, featuring a 'paso-tango' fusion dance from the pros (hell yeah!). And next week is Movie Week!

See you then Strictly friends...

emmabullimore29 September 2018 20:36

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