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Strictly Come Dancing, week two – as it happened: Latest scores and leaderboard as voting opens

Fifteen couples go full pelt to avoid the first dance-off this series

Emma Bullimore
Saturday 29 September 2018 18:44 BST
BBC Strictly Come Dancing opening dance

Strictly got serious this week as voting lines officially opened, leaving one couple at risk of being unceremoniously eliminated from the competition before it has truly begun.

Nobody wants to be the first to go home, so the stakes are high – especially with movie week on the horizon next weekend.

Comedian Seann Walsh and his partner Katya jived to Elton John’s “I’m Still Standing” while YouTuber Joe Sugg and his partner, Dianne, performed a Charleston set to wedding disco favourite “Cotton Eye Joe".

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Remember the final leaderboard is decided by combining last week’s scores with tonight’s marks.

Strictly Come Dancing airs every Saturday on BBC One


Shirley says Stacey has 'so much talent' and will 'keep improving'. Talk about damning with faint praise. Brrrrrrruno says she's scatty, but he is standing up and waving his arms around so it doesn't feel quite so harsh. Craig says it's stiff. Ouch. Poor Stacey.

emmabullimore29 September 2018 18:40

Stacey and Kevin: Cha Cha scores

Craig: 4

Darcey: 5

Shirley: 5

Bruno: 6

Total: 20

'I just couldn't get to grips with it' says Stacey.

Onwards and upwards.

emmabullimore29 September 2018 18:43

Meh. Cool to have Rob Beckett until you remember Mary Berry once read out the Ts & Cs.

emmabullimore29 September 2018 18:44

Time for Karen and Charles and their hotly anticipated quickstep. Karen said she's packed this full of classic steps after the judges had a pop at her last week for making the cha cha too much of a disco routine. This could be brilliant.

emmabullimore29 September 2018 18:45

Really helps to have old school music to sell these big ballroom numbers. And a large CGI trumpet projected onto the floor obvs. Charles performing beautifully and they look pretty light across the floor to me, lots of Charleston basic as promised. Shame they messed up the timing at the end there.

emmabullimore29 September 2018 18:48

Brrrruno just compared Charles to a hovercraft. Apparently it was a compliment.

emmabullimore29 September 2018 18:48

Charles and Karen: Quickstep scores 

Craig: 5

Darcey: 6

Shirley: 7

Bruno: 7

Total: 25

'I had no idea that it went wrong,' lies Charles. Very smooth.

emmabullimore29 September 2018 18:52

Time for lovely Katie and Gorka with a paso! Who doesn't love a paso? Desperate for this to be amazing, but is Katie too sweet? She said she's been trying to get in touch with her inner tigress. Gorka has promised 'skirt-ography'

emmabullimore29 September 2018 18:54

A bit stompy, but a strong top line from Katie, she's going for it. Gorka obviously born for this dance, he's even pulling off the silly little paso jacket that appears to be made from my gran's sofa upholstery dipped in glitter.

emmabullimore29 September 2018 18:55

Craig says the jawline was too high and calls it a 'plank-ish' routine. Tess attempts some banter in return, best avoided in future. Darcey tries to be nicer, but tells Katie she needed to bring more drama and theatricality.

emmabullimore29 September 2018 18:57

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