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Strictly Come Dancing: Five talking points from movie week

Fourteen couples channelled Fame, The Greatest Showman and Dirty Dancing for a Hollywood special


Emma Bullimore
Saturday 06 October 2018 20:15 BST
BBC Strictly Come Dancing opening dance

A Strictly themed week is always a thing of joy, but tonight the show’s trip to the movies was even more impressive than usual. We had sensational choreography, reliably amazing costumes and a Grease-inspired routine that Shirley called “one of the best quicksteps in Strictly history”.

This is what everyone is talking about…

Faye and Giovanni do Sandy and Danny

This couple have it all – talent, likeability and Giovanni’s consistently innovative choreography. In some ways Grease is a gift of a theme, as it’s so instantly recognisable. But You’re The One That I Want is not easy quickstep music. It was a rapid, effortless, accomplished performance, that Faye delivered with charm and flair. The only bad thing about it was Giovanni’s Travolta quiff and Danny Zucko cardigan. Special mention must also be given to Katya’s choreography once again, as she turned Seann Walsh into Neo for an incredible Matrix routine, with slow-mo moments and some never-before-seen-on-Strictly steps.

From minions to Spiderman: give costume and make-up all the awards

The themed weeks are so exciting because they’re a visual feast, and that’s down to hair, make-up and costume. We had Kate in a long red wig as Jessica Rabbit, Graeme dressed as Spiderman and Dr Ranj and Janette as Aladdin and Jasmine. All exceptional, but the best look of the night had to be Kevin and Stacey as the minions from Despicable Me. They will be washing the yellow paint off their faces well into next week, and Kevin may just have to dye his hair blonde.

Ashley’s incredible lift: but is she not a professional anyway?

Everyone loves that Dirty Dancing lift, and what a relief that Ashley and Pasha managed to get it up (cough). But the usual grumbles began on social media, saying Ashley was too good to be on the show and her previous dancing experience was unfair. I’ll tell you what was unfair – Oti doing a solo in her dance so that Graeme could have 20 seconds off during the routine. It’s not Ashley’s fault she got invited onto the show, and that salsa was a treat for every viewer who loves good dancing. Leave her alone.

Who will go?

After you catch your breath from tonight’s amazing performances, you immediately start to wonder who will be sent packing. Lee and Nadiya plummeted towards the bottom of the leaderboard this week with an uninspiring Back to the Future cha cha, and last week’s dance-off proved they were struggling to get votes. It will be quite the feat if they avoid the bottom two tomorrow night. As for who will be joining them, Lauren, Dr Ranj and Katie are all in a vulnerable spot, but they’re also popular couples. It is a tough one to call.

Craig and Bruno’s bantz

These two judges are genuinely friends behind the scenes, where Craig is warmer than his on-screen persona and Bruno is a little calmer. Rumour has it he even manages to stay seated for prolonged periods of time. Despite being at opposite ends of the table they started a round of pantomime play-fighting tonight that the viewers lapped up. It all started when Craig started telling one couple their legs were not straight enough.

"You don’t know anything about being straight!" cackled Bruno, before remarking that at least he has his own hips, unlike CRH who has had both replaced. Lolz.

Strictly Come Dancing airs every Saturday on BBC One. The results show will then be aired on BBC1 on 7.15pm on Sunday night


And Lee from STEPS is in the audience! This is pleasing to anyone my age.

emmabullimore6 October 2018 20:19

'One of the best quicksteps I've ever seen on Strictly,' declares Shirley. Brrruno is singing again. Now he's throwing his jacket off. And Craig sums it up: 'FAB. U. LOUS'

emmabullimore6 October 2018 20:21

Faye and Giovanni: Quickstep scores

Craig: 9

Darcey: 9

Shirley: 9

Bruno: 9

Total: 36

Craig's first 9 of the series, top of the leaderboard. 'I'm going to stay dressed like this forever,' concludes Faye.

emmabullimore6 October 2018 20:22

It's the final couple of the night. It will be tough to follow Faye and Giovanni's stunning quickstep, but they've got a paso doble to The Greatest Showman, so they've got a fighting chance. And the producers will have put them last for a reason, they obviously believe this is a routine that will close the show in spectacular style.

emmabullimore6 October 2018 20:23

Come on Danny! Impressive to see the celeb do a solo, rather than the pro as a distraction technique. He's really bringing the attack, loving the cane work.

emmabullimore6 October 2018 20:25

There are some epic moments in this, an extremely enjoyable paso!

emmabullimore6 October 2018 20:26

'Respect!' says Brrrrruno. But Craig wasn't so keen, thought the timing was out and can't quite muster up any compliments. Darcey loved the shaping and flexibility though.

emmabullimore6 October 2018 20:28

Danny and Amy: Paso doble scores

Craig: 6

Darcey: 7

Shirley: 7

Bruno: 8

Total: 28

'I was definitely under big pressure there!' says Danny.

'He got more and more nervous waiting to close the show,' says Amy.

emmabullimore6 October 2018 20:30

So it's Faye at the top of the leaderboard, with Ashley close behind. Down at the bottom Lee and Nadiya look extremely vulnerable. They'll need a huge swell of support if they're to avoid the dance-off (and elimination) tomorrow night. Not sure tonight was enough to inspire people to start voting for them.

emmabullimore6 October 2018 20:31

What a week! Love a good theme and Strictly's night at the movies didn't disappoint. Ashley's Dirty Dancing lift was breathtaking, Stacey's minion appearance was as polished as it was endearing, but Faye and Giovanni stole the show with their effortless quickstep. So many dances that need re-watching on YouTube. Looking forward to the pro number tomorrow night, a Singin' in the Rain routine, and finding out who will face the dance-off. 

Over and out for another week, thanks for joining me Strictly friends!

emmabullimore6 October 2018 20:37

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