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Love Island catch up: Couples wait for public vote after islanders decide who will be up for eviction

It's crunch time for the contestants as the live final - and £50,000 cash prize - looms

Lucy Anna Gray
Friday 27 July 2018 22:38 BST
Love Island: Alex says he doesn't have feelings for Alexandra

With only two episodes of Love Island 2018 left, one can only image how gruelling the ITV2 producers will make them for our islanders.

So it seems they decided to give them a break, sending the remaining couples on incredibly lavish dates.

Megan and Wes got to go on a luxury boat ride, where the L-Bomb was once more dropped.

Meanwhile Kaz and Josh had a fairylight-lit dinner (I suppose candles were too dangerous with so many hair prodcuts), accompanied by a woman playing a white grand piano while a man danced in a hoop. Even Dr Alex and Alexandra made up after their acrimonious breakup.

But, as only Love Island knows how, the happiness soon gave way for suspense. The sunny Spanish skies fast turned grey as the islanders found out their fate.

The contestants had to vote for the couple that they wanted to put forward for eviction on Sunday (29 July) night. Tensions ran high, intense discussions about friendship and unconditional love were had, but choose they must.

After texting in their choices, we are left with three couples up for eviction. Josh and Kaz, Dr Alex and Alexandra, Laura and Paul. It had seemed so obvious that the two Alexs would go, but after scrabbling around to make-up - with £50,000 gleaming in their eyes - they may have clinched it.

So who will leave on Sunday? And with the parent visit looming, will we actually get to see Danny Dyer after all these weeks? Keep informed as we stay true to the cause, to the bitter end, and live-blog everything Love Island as it happens.

Please give the live blog a moment to load.

Love Island continues nightly, except Saturdays, on ITV2 at 9pm.


The contestants are clumped round the ominous fire pit, but little do they know what's coming up...

Lucy Anna Gray27 July 2018 21:53

Laura is already crying and nothing has happened yet. She knows full well that she isn't well liked (I like you Laura!) and that no one has a clue who her boyfriend is.

Lucy Anna Gray27 July 2018 21:54

It seemed so obvious that Alex and Alexandra would leave, but I forget that these people have actually bonded. They've been living together for weeks on end, spending all day every day together, they must genuinely be such close friends. 

Evil ITV2 producers! Evil!

Lucy Anna Gray27 July 2018 21:56

So now its your turn to decide who leaves the island on Sunday. Your choices are: 

Laura and Paul

Alexandra and Alex

Josh and Kaz

Lucy Anna Gray27 July 2018 22:00

What else can we expect from Sunday? That's right, it's time for the parents to come visit. But it looks like we'll just be seeing Danny Dyer via Skype, how disappointing.

Lucy Anna Gray27 July 2018 22:01

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