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Love Island catch-up: Tommy and Molly-Mae clash as ring girl Maura's arrival divides the villa

Catch up with the latest drama from the Spanish villa

Alexandra Pollard
Thursday 13 June 2019 22:00 BST
Love Island 2019: Tommy serves up his dish for new girl in villa

Things are heating up in the Love Island villa – and we don't just mean the weather.

“I’ve never met a hot girl called Maura, and I’ve never met a hot girl called Elma,” said Molly-Mae on last night’s Love Island, just moments before said women entered the villa and shattered her theory into a million pieces.

Tonight, new arrival Maura caused the biggest star, as she caused a rift in Molly-Mae and Tommy's barely-existent romance. Here are the main talking points from the episode.

The women gang up on Maura

Love island girls shouting as new girls date the boys

So far in the series, the women of the villa have been overwhelmingly supportive of one another – and yet tonight, towards a new arrival they hadn’t yet said a word to, they turned nasty, cackling sarcastically from the balcony as Maura was on her dates with Tommy and Danny. “It’s making me feel like s**t,” said Maura, understandably – though all evidence points to the fact that she can stand up for herself quite well thank you very much.

A love triangle forms between Tommy, Maura and Molly-Mae

It’s unclear at this point who is in the right, who is in the wrong, and by exactly how many degrees Tommy’s head has thus far been turned (is it 560 degrees?), but one thing’s for sure – there are stormy times ahead for Maura and Molly-Mae. Both of them, somewhat inexplicably, are smitten with Tommy, who has pledged his unwavering allegiance to about 74 per cent of the women in the villa. “She’s a f**king ring girl,” announced Molly-Mae of Maura. “I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes,” said Maura, “but if he wants me, what am I gonna do?”​

Tommy Fury as Molly-Mae talks to him on 'Love Island'
Tommy Fury as Molly-Mae talks to him on 'Love Island' (Rex Features)

Amber and Michael clash

While last night’s episode featured a rather touching first kiss between Amber and Michael (after Amber had doused herself with mouthwash, that is), tonight, it all nearly came toppling down. During Michael’s date with Maura, Amber led the rather unpleasant balcony cackling display, and afterwards, she breezed straight past the both of them to greet Elma. Somehow, though, after the pair had words, the tension seemed to dissipate. “Me and Michael are fine,” said Amber, a glint in her eye, “because he apologised for being in the wrong."

Love island Michael calls Amber childish

Anton’s trousers split (opinion)

Anton has proven himself, so far, to be the Dr Alex of 2019. In other words, he is mildly desperate, and nobody seems to be interested in coupling up with him. Tonight, his tight, white trousers didn’t help in that regard. New arrival Elma – “I’ve been waiting for an Essex girl,” Anton announced, as if he had any say in the matter – even decided to help him out by pointing out how awful they were.

Catch up with our live blog below

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Love Island continues nightly – bar Saturdays – at 9pm on ITV2.


Michael: "I've not saved a dog from a fire..."

Maura: "Oh."

Michael: "...But I've saved a dog from drowning." 

Maura: *gasp*

alexandra.pollard13 June 2019 21:19

The women of the villa laugh to put off Maura and Danny 

alexandra.pollard13 June 2019 21:20

Maura on Amber and Michael: "Yeah you had one kiss. You're not married to him. Cop on to yourself."

alexandra.pollard13 June 2019 21:30

I was rooting for you Amber, we were all rooting for you

alexandra.pollard13 June 2019 21:32

As an aside, my eyes hurt looking at Molly-Mae's dress.

alexandra.pollard13 June 2019 21:34

How many times has Tommy's head been turned now? Is he getting whiplash?

alexandra.pollard13 June 2019 21:40

Amber, with an expression that knows full well this isn't true: "Me and Michael are fine because he apologised for being in the wrong."

alexandra.pollard13 June 2019 21:48

Molly-Mae: "You've literally chatted s**t out your arse for the past six days." If that's true, Tommy should probably get that checked out.

alexandra.pollard13 June 2019 21:51

Molly-Mae on Maura: "She's a f**king ring girl"


alexandra.pollard13 June 2019 21:52

Anton: "I don't wanna argue about this..." Wait, did anyone ask Anton? 

alexandra.pollard13 June 2019 21:58

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